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Lyutskanov, Emil. "The Hybrid 'Wars': Reflection and an Integral Component of the Global Security Environment (in Bulgarian)." Military Journal 121, no. 4 (2014): 102-110.
Bhatt, Devika. "I’ll Do Jail, Says Nun, 84, Who Broke into Nuclear Warhead Site." The Times (2014): 34.
Ideas of Erasian Integration of South Ossetia and Reunification with North Ossetia Discussed in Vladikavkaz (Idei evraziiskoi integratsii Yuzhnoi Ossetii i vossoedineniya s Severnoi Ossetiei obsuzhdayut vo Vladikavkaze). IA Regnum, 2014.
Karim, Iskander. Identifying Instability Pockets. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College, 2014.
Calderoni, Francesco. "Identifying Mafia Bosses from Meeting Attendance." In Networks and Network Analysis for Defence and Security, 27-48. Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014.
IEC 62264-1-2014 Enterprise-control system integration - Part 1: Models and terminology., 2014.
Impact of mobile Internet on people in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. Device Research, 2014.
Virkar, Shefali. "The Impact of the Internet on Global Networks: A Perspective." In User-Centric Technology Design for Nonprofit and Civic Engagements, 25-40. Vol. 9. Springer, Cham: Public Administration and Information Technology, 2014.
Abrahamson, Douglas Edward, and Jane Goodman-Delahunty. "Impediments to Information and Knowledge Sharing Within Policing." SAGE Open 4, no. 1 (2014).
Nesterenko, Mykola. Implementation of E-Government services Analysis of factors in case of Ukraine. Vol. Master. Linnaeus University, 2014.
Hsu, Chien-Lung, and Yu-Li Lin. "Improved migration for mobile computing in distributed networks." Computer Standards & Interfaces 36, no. 3 (2014): 577-584 .
Webb, Stewart. "Improvements Required for Operational and Tactical Intelligence Sharing in NATO." Defence Against Terrorism Review 6, no. 1 (2014): 47-62.
Soldak, Katya. "In a Time of Crisis, Ukrainians Abroad Unite." Forbes (2014).
In Sochi, Putin reached agreement with Egyptian president to increase agricultural shipment to Russia by 30%. Vol. 12 August 2014., 2014.
Trope, R. L., and L. L. Hantover. "In the Wake of Cyber Damage: Significant Decisions in Cybersecurity 2013-2014." Business Lawyer 70, no. 1 (2014).
Calderoni, Francesco, David Skillicorn, and Quan Zheng. "Inductive Discovery of Criminal Group Structure Using Spectral Embedding." Information & Security: An International Journal 31 (2014): 49-66.
Furter, Denise. The Influence of Legislation and Government Policy on Patterns of International Defence Trade and Future Markets: The Case of Offset and Directive 2009/81/EC In Doctoral thesis submitted to Brunel University United Kingdom ., 2014.
Sidoran, James. Information Assurance/Cyber Defence Research Framework In Technical Report. Paris: NATO Science and Technology Organization, 2014.
Information from the State Financial Monitoring Service., 2014.
GAO), United States Gov. Information Security Agencies Need to Improve Cyber Incident Response Practices., 2014.
Lebek, Benedict, Jörg Uffen, Markus Neumann, Bernd Hohler, and Michael Breitner. "Information Security Awareness and Behavior: A Theory-Based Literature Review." Management Research Review 37, no. 12 (2014).
Cheung, Simon K. S.. Information Security Management for Higher Education Institutions In Intelligent Data analysis and its Applications, Proceeding of the First Euro-China Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis and Applications. Vol. I. Shenzhen, China, 2014.
Wu, Ing-Long, Cheng-Hung Chuang, and Chien-Hua Hsu. "Information Sharing and Collaborative Behaviours in Enabling Supply Chain Performance: A Social Exchange Perspective." International Journal of Production Economics 148 (2014): 122-132.
Shalamanov, Velizar. Information technologies for good governance in defence, security, and the public sector: Experience and outlook In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2014.
Hawramy, Fazel, Shalaw Mohammed, and Luke Harding. "Inside Islamic State’s Oil Empire: How Captured Oilfields Fuel Isis Insurgency." The Guardian (2014).
