
Export 21385 results:
Ex-CIA agent convicted of Italian kidnapping and held in Panama returning to US. Vol. March 22, 2014. FOX News, 2013.
Shuster, Simon. "Exclusive: Dagestani Relative of Tamerlan Tsarnaev Is a Prominent Islamist." Time Magazine (2013).
Ball, James, Julian Borger, and Glenn Greenwald. "Exclusive: how US and Britain unlock privacy on the internet." Guardian (2013): 1, 4-5.
Exclusive interview with Vladimir Putin to Perviy kanal TV and the Associated Press. Vol. 4 August 2013., 2013.
Klaidman, Daniel. Exclusive: The Awlaki/Tsarnaev Connection. The Daily Beast, 2013.
Executive Order - Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity., 2013.
Executive Order — Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, 2013.
Mikolov, Tomas, Quoc V. Le, and Ilya Sutskever. "Exploiting Similarities among Languages for Machine Translation." arXiv: Computation and Language (2013).
Zhao, Fang, and Linzi Kemp. "Exploring individual, social and organisational effects on Web 2.0-based workplace learning: a research agenda for a systematic approach." Research in Learning Technology 21 (2013).
Exposing One of China’s Cyber Espionage Units. Mandiant APT 1, 2013.
The White House. Fact Sheet: BRAIN Initiative., 2013.
Ezrow, Natasha M., and Erica Frantz. Failed States and Institutional Decay: Understanding Instability and Poverty in the Developing World. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2013.
Hooghe, An, and Robert A. Neimeyer. "Family Resilience in the Wake of Loss: A Meaning-Oriented Contribution." In Handbook of Family Resilience, 269-284. New York: Springer, 2013.
Dimock, Michael. Few See Adequate Limits on NSA Surveillance Program but More Approve than Disapprove In poll conducted on 17-21 July 2013. Pew Research Center,, 2013.
Luna, David M.. Fighting Networks with Networks In Center for Complex Operations. National Defense University Press, 2013.
Ince, Matt. "Filling the FARC-Shaped Void." RUSI Journal 158, no. 5 (2013): 27.
Finland’s Cybersecurity Strategy Government Resolution., 2013.
Secretariat of the Security Committee. Finland's Cyber Security Strategy., 2013.
Secretariat of The Security Committee of Finland. Finland´s Cyber Security Strategy – Government Resolution. Helsinki: Ministry of Defence, 2013.
Rossi, Michael. Five Inconvenient Truths about Kosovo., 2013.
Lewis, James. "Five Myths about Chinese Hackers." Washington Post (2013).
Microsoft Corporation. Five Principles for Shaping Cybersecurity Norms., 2013.
Nikolova, Mariyana, Stoyan Nedkov, and Valentin Nikolov. "Flood Hazard in Bulgaria: Case Study of Etropolska Stara Planina ." Geomorphological impacts of extreme weather (2013): Springer Netherlands.
Siedschlag, Alexander. "'FOCUS': Foresight Security Scenarios to Plan for Research to Support the 'EU 2035' as a Comprehensive Security Provider." Information & Security: An International Journal 29, no. 1 (2013): 5-17.
Tibilov, Leonid. For every Ossetian, the issue of unification of the people is a priority. the President of the South Ossetia, 2013.
