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Weber, Rolf. "Internet of Things: Privacy Issues Revisited." Computer Law & Security Review 31 (2015): 618-627.
Internet World Stats., 2015.
Ivut, Marcel-Petru, and Florian Ianoşiu Hangan. "Interoperability between NATO and Partner States in the post-ISAF Period. Present and Perspectives." Romanian Military Thinking 11, no. 4 (2015): 116-124.
Andersson, Dennis, and Pär Eriksson. "- Inter-Organisational Lessons Learned: Perspectives and Challenges." In 2015 Annual Conference. Rome, Italy: The International Emergency Management Society, 2015.
Interview with an Expert from a non-governmental organisation., 2015.
Kondratov, Sergiy. "Introducing Critical Infrastructure Protection Concept in Ukraine: Lessons to Learn." In Zelena knyha z pytan zakhystu kritychoy infrastructuru, 57-65. Kyiv: NISS, 2015.
Lasconjarias, Guillaume, and Jeffrey A. Larsen. "Introduction." In NATO’s Response to Hybrid Threats, 1-13. Rome: NATO Defense College, 2015.
Bossong, Raphael, and Hendrik Hegemann. "Introduction: European Civil Security Governance - Towards a New Comprehensive Policy Space?" In European Civil Security Governance. New Security Challenges Series, 1-23. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
O’Shea, Keiron, and Ryan Nash. "An Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks." Computing Research Repository (CoRR) (2015): 1-11.
Brown, Cameron S. D.. "Investigating and Prosecuting Cyber Crime: Forensic Dependencies and Barriers to Justice." International Journal of Cyber Criminology 9, no. 1 (2015): 55-119.
Ferguson, Kate. An Investigation into the Irregular Military Dynamics in Yugoslavia, 1992-1995 In School of History. Vol. Ph.D. University of East Anglia, 2015.
Vogel, Katherina. Invisible Women: Understanding Female Involvement in Contemporary Political and Revolutionary Conflict In School of Applied Psychology. Vol. PhD. Griffith University, 2015.
IOM: Latest Data on Europe Migrant Emergency. International Organization for Migration, 2015.
Paul, Amanda. Iran's policy in the South Caucacus Between pragmatism and realpolitik, in The South Caucasus: Between integration and fragmentation. European Policy Centre – SAM, 2015.
Doran, Jamie, and Najibullah Quraishi. ISIL and the Taliban. Al-Jazeera, 2015.
"Isis Advertises 10 Jobs in the ‘Caliphate’ Including Press Officers, Bomb Makers and Teachers." The Independent (2015).
McCants, William. The ISIS Apocalypse: The History, Strategy, and Doomsday Vision of the Islamic State. Washington, DC: Brookings, 2015.
Solomon, Erika, Guy Chazan, and Sam Jones. "ISIS Inc.: How Oil Fuels the Jihadi Terrorists." Financial Times (2015).
Weiss, Michael, and Hassan Hassan. ISIS. Inside the Army of Terror. New York: Regan Arts, 2015.
Weiss, Michael, and Hassan Hassan. ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015.
Cronin, Audrey Kurth. "ISIS Is Not a Terrorist Group: Why Counterterrorism Won’t Stop the Latest Jihadist Threat." Foreign Affairs (2015).
Gilsinan, Kathy. Is ISIS’s Social-Media Power Exaggerated?. The Atlantic, 2015.
Stern, Jessica, and J.M. Berger. ISIS: The State of Terror. New York: HarperCollins, 2015.
Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center. ISIS Updates Security Tips to Operatives Traveling to Syria. American Center for Democracy, 2015.
Brown, Bill. Isla Vista Mass Murder, May 23, 2014, Investigative Summary In 18 February 2015. Santa Barbara, CA: Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office, 2015.
