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Top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites., 2014.
Martinage, Robert. Toward a New Offset Strategy: Exploiting U.S. Long-Term Advantages to Restore U.S. Global Power Projection Capability. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 2014.
Hadji-Janev, Metodi. "Toward Effective National Cyber Security Strategy: The Path That Macedonia Must Consider." In Cyber Security and Resiliency Policy Framework, 57-64. IOS Press, 2014.
Toward the Great Ocean – 2, or Russia’s Breakthrough to Asia In Analytical report. Valdai Discussion Club, 2014.
Alazmi, Abdulrahman R.. "Towards A New Model for Information Warfare." Journal of Media and Information Warfare 5 (2014): 29-52.
Reid, Reyne, and Johan Van Niekerk. Towards an Education Campaign for Fostering a Societal Cyber Security Culture In Eighth International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA)., 2014.
Von Solms, Sune, and Roussouw Von Solms. Towards Cyber Safety Education in Primary Schools in Africa. HAISA, 2014.
Zafar, Aasim, Syed Hamid Hasan, and Saleem M. Trigui. "Towards Secure m-Learning: An Analysis." MAGNT Research Report 2, no. 5 (2014): 148-159.
Committee, House of Commons. Towards the next Defence and Security Review: Part Two – NATO . London: House of Commons Defence Committee, 2014.
Pietrzak, Robert H., Adriana Feder, and R. Singh. "Trajectories of PTSD Risk and Resilience in World Trade Center Responders: An 8-year Prospective Cohort Study." Psychological Medicine 44, no. 1 (2014): 205-219.
Shenin, Sergei Y.. "The Transfer of Power in Central Asia and Threats to Regional Stability." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 14, no. 1 (2014): 137-147.
Transnational Organized Crime: The Globalized Illegal Economy. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2014.
Bowring, Bill. "Transnistria, in Self-Determination and Secession in International Law.", 157-174. Oxford University Press, 2014.
Sattler, David N., Bill Boyd, and Julie Kirsch. "Trauma-exposed Firefighters: Relationships Among Posttraumatic Growth, Posttraumatic Stress, Resource Availability, Coping and Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Experience." Stress and Health 30, no. 5 (2014): 356-365.
Treasury Sanctions Russian Officials, Members of the Russian Leadership’s Inner Circle, And An Entity For Involvement In The Situation In Ukraine. Press Center: US Department Of The Treasury, 2014.
Treaty on the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union., 2014.
Wolfsthal, Jon, Jeffrey Lewis, and Marc Quint. The Trillion Dollar Nuclear Triad. Monterey, California: James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, 2014.
Musgrove, Jody. Trouble in Xinjiang: The human cost of Chinese economic policy In China Report., 2014.
Revkin, Andrew. Trump’s defense chief cites climate change as national security challenge. Science, 2014.
Truppenbild ohne Dame? Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Begleituntersuchung zum aktuellen Stand der Integration von Frauen in die Bundeswehr In Research Report. Potsdam: Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr, 2014.
Ghribi, Asma. "Tunisia Struggles to Cope with Returnees from Syrian Jihad." Foreign Policy, last modified (2014).
Yakış, Yaşar. "Turkey after the Arab Spring: Policy Dilemmas." Middle East Policy 21, no. 1 (2014).
Turkey and the PKK: Saving the Peace Process In International Crisis Group Europe Report., 2014.
Altier, Mary Beth, Christian Thoroughgood, and John Horgan. "Turning Away From Terrorism: Lessons from Psychology, Sociology, and Criminology." Journal of Peace Research 51, no. 5 (2014): 647-61.
Klausen, Jytte. "Tweeting the Jihad: Social Media Networks of Western Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq." Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 38, no. 1 (2014): 1-22.
