The Art of Achieving Political Goals without Use of Force: War by Non-Military Means
Publication Type:
Journal ArticleSource:
Information & Security: An International Journal, Volume 39, Issue 2, p.136-142 (2018)Keywords:
defence, geopolitics, global security, hybrid war, international conflict, non-military meansAbstract:
Nowadays, the boundaries between war and peace are increasingly blurred. Over the past few years we can observe the appearance of new terms in the field of international relations – ‘hybrid war,’ ‘hybrid conflicts’ or ‘hybrid threats.’ Despite the absence of a generally recognized definition of the concept, its characteristics are close to the definition of terrorism. Some security analysts indicate this type of conflict as a war, combining conventional methods with guerrilla, cyber and information warfare techniques (media and Internet) as well as with non-military actions, which run contrary to international law and aim to achieve specific policy goals.
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