Facilitating Factors and Effects of Corruption Networks
Publication Type:
IT4Sec Reports, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Number 130, Sofia (2015)Keywords:
anti-corruption, corruption, corruption effects, corruption factors, corruption networks, market corruptionAbstract:
At the start of the Twenty first century, corruption turned into a global challenge, with major negative impact on the democratic development and the effective functioning of the market economy, especially for countries in transition, such as Bulgaria. Delineating the forms of corruption according to the degree of public access to corrupt services, provided by public officials, allows classify corrupt practices qualitatively in two groups of a different nature: market corruption and corrupt networks. The latter form of “networked” corruption has its roots in the social relations and, unlike the market form, is based on existing personal relations between public servants and citizens. Hence, it has deeper social roots and heavier destructive consequences for the society and the state.
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