International Intelligence Cooperation against Terrorist Targets – Phase II
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Book ChapterSource:
The Dangerous Landscape, p.133-151 (2013)Abstract:
With regard to the international threat posed by global terrorism, the area of International Intelligence Cooperation against terrorist targets represents a viable solution only in cases where both the theoretical and practical approaches are considered and linked. The death of Osama bin Laden has not altered this. This link represents a global requirement for international interdependency at national, regional and international levels, to which the cooperation and inte-gration must be best fitted.
We should be aware that terrorism is bound to be with us for the foreseeable future. The outcome of the measures applied in preventing and combating terrorism is helpful only when a political will from all engaged parties exists. A serious engagement in the collaboration process is significant in elaborating a well-defined strategy and fostering a win-win situation in the fight against ter-rorists’ acts.
South-Eastern Europe represents a complex region. Starting in 1990, it was disturbed by different conflicts and political instability, which transformed it into a region that attracts organized crime from Europe, with this illicit activity forming a breeding ground for terrorist activity from outside the region and within. The strategic position of the region, situated between Western Europe and the Middle East, supposes even more active involvement of the terrorism phenomenon and represents a source of financing terrorist crimes. Moldova’s participation in the antiterrorist campaign is explained by its location in South Eastern Europe, as part of the so-called “instability train” that stretches from South-Western Asia, through the Caucasus, and on to the Balkans.
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