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Philip Spassov
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Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
., 2015.
Uwizera, Ch
Sustainable Development: International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
." In
General Assembly
. UN General Assembly, 2015.
Action Plan on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. A disaster risk-informed approach for all EU policies.
". Brussels: European Commission, 2016.
Eller, W.S.
, and
A.S. Wandt
Contemporary Policy Challenges in Protecting the Homeland
Policy Studies Journal 2020
48(S1), no. S33-S46 (2020).
M.-E, Paté-Cornell
P Keller
M. Smith
, and
M Kuypers
Cyber Risk Management for Critical Infrastructure: A Risk Analysis Model and Three Case Studies
Risk Analysis 2018
38(2) (2018): 226-241.
Pescaroli, G.
R.T. Wicks
D.E. Alexander
, and
G. Giacomello
Increasing Resilience to Cascading Events: The M.OR.D.OR. Scenario
Safety Science
110(C) (2018): 131-140.
Shaw, D.
A. Fattoum
J. Moreno
, and
J. Bealt
A Structured Methodology to Peer Review Disaster Risk Reduction Activities: The Viable System Review
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 2020
46, no. 101486 (2020).
Sarmiento, J.P.
, and
A.M. Torres-Muñoz
Risk Transfer for Populations in Precarious Urban Environments
nternational Journal of Disaster Risk Science 2020
11, no. 1 (2020): 74-86.
Lee, Y.
K. Watanabe
, and
W.-S. Li
Public Private Partnership Operational Model – A Conceptual Study on Implementing Scientific-evidence-based Integrated Risk Management at Regional Level.
Journal of Disaster Research
14, no. 4 (2019): 667-677.
Wilkinson, E.
K. Poljanšek
T De Groeve
I Clark
, and
M.F. Ferrer
Managing Disaster Risk
Science for Disaster Risk Management 2017: Knowing Better and Losing Less
(2017): 442-515.
Booth, L
K Fleming
J Abad
L.A Schueller
M Leone
A Scolobig
, and
A Baills
Simulating Synergies between Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Stakeholders to Improve Management of Transboundary Disasters in Europe
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
49, no. 101668 (2020).
Owen, G.
What Makes Climate Change Adaptation Effective? A Systematic Review of the Literature.
Global Environmental Change
62, no. 102071 (2020).
Nikolov, O.
N. Tomov
I. Nikolova
Y. Murayama
P. Zlateva
J.J. Gonzalez
, and
D. Velev
M&S Support for Crisis and Disaster Management Processes and Climate Change Implications
Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction
(2017): 240-253.
Foks-Ryznar, A
J Ryzenko
K Trzebińska
J Tymińska
E Wrzosek
, and
T Zwęgliński
Trial as a Pragmatic and Systematic Approach for Assessing New Solutions in Crisis Management and Rescue Operations
XLIV-th IEEE-SPIE Joint Symposium
. Wilga, Poland, 2019.
A Pan-European Test-bed for Crisis Management Capability Building
." In
., 2020.
Goel, K
V. Pulla
, and
A.P Francis
Understanding Community and Community Development. In Community Work: Theories, Experiences and Challenges
Niruta Publications: Bangalore, India
(2014): 1-15.
Li, X.
Ch. Chandra
, and
J.-Y Shiau
Developing Taxonomy and Model for Security Centric Supply Chain Management
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management
177 (2009).
Knezić, S
T Kekez
M Baučić
U Delprato
G Tusa
A Preinerstorfer
, and
G Lichtenegger
Taxonomy for Disaster Response: A Methodological Approach.
." In
TIEMS 2015 Annual Conference
. Rome, Italy, 2015.
Liu, S.
C. Brewster
D. Shaw
T. Comes
F Fiedrich
S Fortier
J Geldermann
, and
L Yang
Ontologies for Crisis Management: A Review of State of the Art in Ontology Design and Usability
10th International ISCRAM Conference
. Baden-Baden, Germany, 2013.
International Organization for Standardization
Information and Documentation – Records Management – Part 1: Concepts and Principles
Canton, L.G.
Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective Programs
. Wiley: Hoboken, NJ, 2006.
Quarantelli, E.L.
Just as a Disaster is not Simply a Big Incident, So a Catastrophe is not Just a Big Disaster
Journal of the American Society of Professional Emergency Planners
3 (1996): 68-71.
Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
." In
. Geneva, Switzerland, 2009.
Pryor, P
Hazard as a Concept
. Tullamarine, Australia: Safety Institute of Australia, 2012.
Overview of Natural and Man-made Disaster Risks in the EU
." Brussels, Belgium: European Commission, 2014.
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