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Mobile Forensics: An Overview, Tools, Future Trends and Challenges from Law Enforcement Perspective." In 6th International Conference on E-Governance, ICEG, Emerging Technologies in E-Government, M-Government., 2008.
"Model Search Process Trojans in Personal Computers." Radioelectronic and Computer Systems 7 (2008).
"Modeling Dependable Systems and Networks. Kharkiv: National Aerospace University, 2008.
Modeling land cover changes for flood hazard assessment using Remote Sensing data In Geospatial crossroads@ GI_Forum (2008): 262-267., 2008.
Modeling word perception using the Elman network." Neurocomputing 71, no. 16-18 (2008): 3150-3157.
"Modelling of an Error Monitoring and Management System for a Distributed Software Application." In Annual of the Defence Advanced Research Institute, 149-157., 2008.
"The Money Trail: Finding, Following, and Freezing Terrorist Finances In The Washington Institute for Near East Policy., 2008.
Montenegro and the NATO Partnership for Peace Program." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 7, no. 1 (2008): 17-45.
"On a more effective EU policy for the South Caucasus: from promises to actions In European Parliament Resolution., 2008.
Morskie Perevozki." Pravda Severa (2008).
"Moscow Begins New Arms Race with Military Build-up." The Times (London) (2008).
"Moscow’s Plan Is to Redraw the Map of Europe." Financial Times (2008).
"A Move away from Geopolitics in Central Asia: A Call for a Move to Institutions. Vol. 80. Brussels: Garnet Sixth Ph.D. School at the Institute for European Studies, 2008.
Mumbai Rocked by Deadly Attacks. BBC News Online, 2008.
Na vnimanieto na gospodin Prezidenta. Sofia: Iztok/Zapad, 2008.
The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2009. Washington, D.C.: U.S. House of Representatives Armed Services Committee, 2008.
National Security: Imperatives And Challenges. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
National Security Policy-making and Gender." In Gender and Security Sector Reform Toolkit. Vol. 18., 2008.
"National Security, State-Society Relations and Muslim Minorities in Thailand and Singapore Post-September 11." In Australian Political Studies Association Conference. Brisbane, Australia, 2008.
"National Security Strategy. Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 75/08, 2008.
The National Security System of Montenegro. Bar: Faculty for Business Management, 2008.
National Strategy for Communication and Public Information for Emergency Situations. Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 426, 6 June 2008, 2008.
NATO Agrees to a Common Approach to Cyber Defence., 2008.
NATO Allies Oppose Bush on Georgia and Ukraine." New York Times (2008).