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Is it Apprpopriate to Use the Objective, Rational Decision- Making Framework as a Foundation for Modelling Social Systems?" Information & Security: An International Journal 22 (2007): 17-27.
"Joint Doctrine Publication 02 (JDP 02) Operations in The UK: The Defence Contribution to Resilience In The Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre. Shrivenham: Ministry of Defence, 2007.
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Joint Statement by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov. U.S. Department of State, Office of the Spokesman, 2007.
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"Kazakhstan before and after 2020." Nezavisimoe analiticheskoe obozrenie (2007).
"Kazakh-US Military-Political Cooperation in the Context of US Geopolitical Interests in Central Asia." Central Asia And The Caucasus Journal of Social and Political Studies 2, no. 44 (2007).
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"Kompiutarni mreji i komunikatcii. Shumen: University Publishing "Episkop Konstantin Preslavski", 2007.
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"Kosovo and Balkan Stability." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 6, no. 4 (2007): 13-26.
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"The Kosovo War in a Constructivist Perspective." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 6, no. 3 (2007): 33-61.
"Kształcenie i wychowanie młodzieży na rzecz bezpieczeństwa. Poradnik dla dyrektorów szkół i nauczycieli. Warsaw: ADAM, 2007.
"Kuda Plyvyot VMF Rossii." V.V.Zabros (2007).
La Chine Renfloue sa Marine pour Asseoir ses Ambitions Régionales." Armées d’aujourd’hui 320 (2007): 14.
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"La Guerra de Afganistán en el camino del fracaso. CEAO, 2007.
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