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U.S.-Led Exercise in Persian Gulf Sets Sights on Deadliest Weapons." The New York Times (2006).
"U.S./NATO-Russia and Countering Ideological Support for Terrorism: Toward Building a Comprehensive Strategy." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 5, no. 4 (2006): 1-25.
"U.S.-Ukraine Relations, The Long Road to Strategic Partnership In PONARS Policy Memo. Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2006.
U.S.-Ukrainian Relations Return to ‘Golden Era." Ukrainian Observer (2006).
"The Uzbek Expulsion of U.S. Forces and Realignment in Central Asia." Problems of Post-Communism 53, no. 2 (2006): 49-60.
"Uzkie Mesta Graydushchei Navigatsii." Transport Rossii (2006).
"The Value of Reputation on eBay: A Controlled Experiment." Experimental Economics 9 (2006).
"VPK Is Prescribed for the Defense Establishment." Krasnaya Zvezda (2006).
"Vulnerability concepts in hazard and risk assessment." In Natural and Technological Hazards and Risks Affecting the Spatial Development of European Regions, 42, 65-74. Special Paper ed. Helsinki, Finland: Geological Survey of Finland, 2006.
"On War. Project Gutenberg E-Book No. 1946, 2006.
Wargaming – Guide to Preparation and Execution. Bundeswehr Command and Staff College, 2006.
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"Weapons of Mass Persuasion: Communicating Against Terrorist Ideology." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 5, no. 3 (2006): 93-104.
"Welche Polizeiaufgaben kann Militär übernehmen?, Interne Information zur Sicherheitspolitik. Vienna: Büro für Sicherheitspolitik des Bundesministeriums für Landesverteidigung, 2006.
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What Does Energy Security Really Mean?" Wall Street Journal (2006).
"What History Suggests About Terrorism and Its Future." In The Past As Prologue. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
"What is ‘Islamofascism’?" The Weekly Standard (2006).
"What Terrorists Want: Understanding the Enemy, Containing the Threat. New York: Random House, 2006.
What To Do About The Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s Rising Influence." Eurasia Insight (2006).
"“When All Muslims Unite …”: Islamism, Identification, and Western Fears of Terrorism in Africa." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 5, no. 4 (2006): 131-141.
"When Progressives Treat with Reactionaries: The British State’s Flirtation with Radical Islamism." Policy Exchange (2006).
"Where’s Mao? Chinese Revise History Books." The New York Times (2006).
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