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Transforming the Alliance: The Bush Administration`s Vision of NATO." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 2, no. 3 (2003): 11-25.
"Transparency and Accountability in South East European Defence . Sofia: George C. Marshall Association, 2003.
Transparency in Defence Resource Management - Problems and Solutions." Information & Security: An International Journal 11 (2003): 73-91.
"Transparency in Reforming the National Security Sector in Transition Countries." Information & Security: An International Journal 11 (2003): 167-170.
"Transparency Matters." Information & Security: An International Journal 11 (2003): 5-8.
"Transparency of Defence Policy in Progress." Information & Security: An International Journal 11 (2003): 55-72.
"Transparency-building in the Security Sector." Information & Security: An International Journal 11 (2003): 171-172.
"Trends in the Evolution of Extremism in Central Asia. Almaty: Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies, 2003.
The Trouble with Democracy in the Middle East. CATO Institute, 2003.
Trucker Pleads Guilty in Plot by Al Qaeda." The Washington Post (2003).
"TrustMe: Anonymous Management of Trust Relationships in Decentralized P2P Systems." In 3rd International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, IEEE Computer Society., 2003.
"The Turkish-Israeli Military and Political Co-operation and Regional Security Issues." Iran & the Caucasus 7, no. 1/2 (2003): 309-326.
"Tyrania chwili. Szybko i wolno płynący czas w erze informacji. Warsaw: PIW, 2003.
Umělá inteligence. 4th ed. Prague: Academia, 2003.
The UN Security Council: Ineffective but Indispensable." Survival 45, no. 2 (2003): 7-30, especially 20-25.
"Understanding Credit Card Frauds." Cards Business Review (2003).
"Understanding Formal Methods. Springer, 2003.
Understanding International Conflicts. Vol. 4th ed. New York: Longman, 2003.
Understanding Terrorism in America: From the Klan to Al Qaeda. New York: Routledge, 2003.
Understanding the European Union’s External Relations, ECPR Studies in European Political Science. London: Routledge, 2003.
Understanding the Model Driven Architecture (MDA)." Methods & Tools 11, no. 3 (2003): 17-24.
"Unilateralismus der USA als Problem der internationalen Politik." Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 15 (2003): 17-18.
"University in Kosovo has American Accent." International Herald Tribune (2003).
"Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Background and Issues for Congress. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 2003.
An Untraceable Blind Signature Scheme." IEICE Transactions on Foundations 7 (2003): 1902-1906.