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Russell, John. "Asymmetric Warfare." In The Big Issue: Command and Combat in the Information Age, 120-122. London: Strategic & Combat Studies Institute, 2002.
Hemingway, Al. "At the Tip of the Anti-terrorism Spear: Though little known, the U.S. Marines maintain special anti-terrorism units." VFW Magazine (2002).
Nair, V., and J.J. Clark. Automated Visual Surveillance Using Hidden Markov Models In 15th Vision Interface Conference., 2002.
Carp, Mihai. "Back from the Brink." NATO Review (2002).
Czuchnowski, J.. Balanced Scorecard. Gdańsk, 2002.
Warikoo, K.. "Bamiyan: Challenge to World Heritage.", xi and 14. New Delhi: Third Eye, 2002.
Barcelona European Council. Presidency Conclusions In Press Release. European Council, 2002.
Avizzienis, Algirdas, ean-Claude Laprie, Brian Randell, and Carl Landwehr. "Basic Concepts and Taxonomy of Dependable and Secure Computing." IEEE Transactions on De¬pendable and Secure Computing 1, no. 1 (2002): 11-33.
Rieff, David. A Bed for the Night. London: Vintage, 2002.
Lef`evre, E., Colot O., and Vannoorenberghe P.. "Belief functions combination and conflict." Inf. Fusion Journal 3, no. 2 (2002): 149-162.
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Jordanovski, Nikola. "Between the Necessity and the Impossibility of a ‘National History." In Clio in the Balkans: The Politics of History Education, 265-76. Thessaloniki: CDRSEE, 2002.
Walt, Stephen M.. "Beyond Bin Laden." International Security 26, no. 3 (2002): 56-78.
Nelson, Daniel. "Beyond Defense Planning." In Transparency in Defence Policy, Military Budgeting and Procurement, edited by Todor Tagarev, 17-26. Sofia: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and George C. Marshall - Bulgaria, 2002.
Nelson, Daniel. "Beyond Defense Planning." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 1, no. 2 (2002): 101-111.
Beyerlein, Michael, Susan Freedman, Craig McGee, and Linda Moran. Beyond Teams: Building the Collaborative Organization In The Collaborative Work Systems series. Wiley, 2002.
Hill, Amelia. Bin Laden’s $20m African Blood Diamond Deals In The Guardian., 2002.
Glass, Thomas A., and Monica Schoch-Spana. "Bioterrorism and the People: How to Vaccinate a City Against Panic." Clinical Infectious Diseases 34, no. 2 (2002): 217-23.
Budget Transparency Initiative Secretariat, Yearbook on Defence Spending in South-Eastern Europe – 2001 . Sofia: Budget Transparency Initiative Secretariat, 2002.
Sinclair, Mark R., and Andreas Tolk. Building up a Common Data Infrastructure In Analyses of the Military Effectiveness of Future C2 Concepts and Systems. The Hague, The Netherlands, 2002.
Pantev, Plamen. "Bulgaria and ESDI/CESDP: No Problem for Us?" Connections: The Quarterly Journal 1, no. 1 (2002): 43-45.
Bulgaria for NATO 2002, Edited by Ognyan Minchev, Marin Lessenski and Valeri Ratchev. Sofia: Institute for International and Regional Studies, 2002.
Totev, Dobromir. "Bulgarian Defence Resource Management System - Vehicle for Transparency in Defence Planning and Budgeting." In Transparency in Defence Policy, Military Budgeting and Procurement. Todor Tagarev ed. Sofia: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and George C. Marshall - Bulgaria, 2002.
Bass, Gary D., and Sean Moulton. "The Bush Administration’s Secrecy Policy: A Call to Action to Protect Democratic Values." Washington DC: OMB Watch, 2002.
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