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Saati, Thomas L.. The Analytic Hierarchy Process for Decision in a Complex World. Pittsburgh, PA: RWS Publications, 1980.
Hofstede, Geert. Culture's Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1980.
O’Neill, Robert. "Defense Policy." In Australia in World Affairs, 1971–1975, 24-25. Sydney: George Allen and Unwin, 1980.
R., Yager R.. "On the Dempster-Shafer Framework and New Combination Rules." Informations Sciences 41 (1980): 93-137.
Smith, Gerard C.. Doubletalk: The Story of the First Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1980.
Fortescue, John A. C.. Environmental Geochemistry: A Holistic Approach. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1980.
Packard, Norman, J. Crutchfield, J. Farmer, and R. Shaw. "Geometry from a Time Series." Physical Review Letters 45, no. 9 (1980): 712-716.
Fromkin, David. "The Great Game in Asia." Foreign Affairs 58 (1980): 936-951, quote on p. 950.
Vujaklija, Milan. Leksikon Stranih Reci i Izraza. Belgrade, Serbia: Prosveta, 1980.
Lippert, Ekkehard, and Tjarck Rössler. Mädchen unter Waffen? Gesellschafts- und sozialpolitische Aspekte weiblicher Soldaten In SOWI-Report. Munich: SOWI, 1980.
Ermarcora, Felix. Österreichische Verfassungslehre, (Austrian Constitutional Law). Vol. 2. Vienna: Braumüller Verlag, 1980.
Rubin, Barry. Paved with Good Intentions: The American Experience and Iran. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980.
Rizvi, Sayyid Athar Abba. Shah Wali-Allah and His Times. Canberra: Ma’rifat Publishing House, 1980.
Heninger, Karen L.. "Specifying Software Requirements for Complex Systems: New Tech-niques and Their Applications." IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 6, no. 1 (1980): 2-13.
Lupsha, Peter. "Steps Toward a Strategic Analysis of Organized Crime." The Police Chief (1980): 36-38.
Jenkins, Brian M.. The Study of Terrorism: Definitional Problems. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1980.
Art, Robert. "To What Ends Military Power?" International Security 4, no. 4 (1980): 6.
Organski, A. F. K., and Jacek Kugler. The War Ledger. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.
Reid, Donald B.. "An Algorithm for Tracking Multiple Targets." IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 24, no. 6 (1979): 843-854.
Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research. National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Publication, 1979.
George, Alexander L.. Case Studies and Theory Development: The Method of Structured, Focused Comparison In Diplomacy: New Approaches in History, Theory and Policy, Edited by Paul G. Lauren. New York: Free Press, 1979.
Grigorova, E., D. Sokerova, Ludmil Christoskov, and Sn. Rizhikova. Catalogue of the Earthquakes in the Territory of Bulgaria for the Period 1900-1977. Sofia: Bulgarian Acad¬emy of Sciences, Archives of the Geophysical Institute of BAS, 1979, 1979.
