Export 21404 results:
Palestine, Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan: Internationalization and Localization." Journal of Postcolonial Cultures and Societies 4, no. 1 (2013): 113-49.
"Palestinians: We Hate You, So Please Pay Us More. Gatestone Institute, 2013.
Paradigm Shift In Middle East Notes and Comment. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2013.
Parliament Adopts Bipartisan Resolution on Foreign Policy. Civil Georgia, 2013.
The party system of Albania." In Party Politics in the Western Balkans. Routledge, 2013.
"Payback Time for the ‘Yanukovych Family’. RealTime Economic Issues Watch, 2013.
PBX Security and Forensics: A Practical Approach. Springer, 2013.
A Peace Agreement Between China and Taiwan. The Diplomat, 2013.
Peran Uni Eropa Dalam Proses Penyelesaian Sengketa Bagi Negara Anggota Dan Negara Non Anggota." Journal of International Law 1, no. 3 (2013).
"Pirate Trails: Tracking the Illicit Financial Flows from Pirate Activities off the Horn of Africa In A World Bank Study. Washington, D.C.: A World Bank, 2013.
Pirateria e diritto internazionale: dalle vicende somale al caso Enrica Lexie. Vol. Dottorato di ricerca in Diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea – XXIV Ciclo. Sapienza, Universita di Roma, 2013.
The Pivot to Asia – Overcoming a Communication Problem. German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), 2013.
Planification d’Urgence et Gestion de Crise en Belgique. Directorate-General Crisis Centre, 2013.
Plateau community alleges infiltration by Boko Haram. Punch, 2013.
PM on His Intended Pre-Term Resignation In Ivanishvili’s open letter to the public is available in an unofficial translation. Civil Georgia, 2013.
Police investigations in Internet Open Sources: Procedural Law Issues." Computer Law & Security Review 29 (2013): 676-688.
"Police Officer’s Experiences of Supportive and Unsupportive Social Interactions Following Traumatic Incidents." European Journal of Psychotraumatology 4, no. 1 (2013).
"Policy Perspectives on National Security and Foreign Policy Decision Making." Policy Studies Journal 41, no. 1 (2013): 11-37.
"Politburo 2.0 on the Eve of the Reset of Elite Groups In Report January–February 2013. Minchenko Consulting, 2013.
Political and Security Committee (PSC) In Europa, Synthèse de la législation., 2013.
The Political Dimension: Armenian Perspective." In The South Caucasus 2018: Facts, Trends, Future Scenarios, 12., 2013.
"Politics and Economics in Putins Russia. The United States Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), 2013.
Politologists: A strike against Syria is inevitable. Vol. 3 September 2013., 2013.
Polonium-210: The Hard-to-Detect Poison that Killed Alexander Litvinenko." The Guardian (2013).
"Pooling and Sharing. European Defence Agency, 2013.