
Export 21385 results:
Kakabadse, A., J. Bank, and S. Vinnicombe. Working in Organisations, The Essential Guide for Managers in Today’s Workplace. London: Penguin, 2005.
Zygar, Mikhail. "Working on success: Sergey Lavrov congratulates himself on ‘positive’ year." Kommersant, Moscow (2005).
"World Briefing–Europe: Georgia: Car Bomb Kills 3 Policemen." New York Times (2005).
"World Investment Report: Transnational Corporations and the Internationalization of R&D." Transnational Corporations 14, no. 3 (2005): 101-40.
Friedman, Thomas. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005.
Langewiesche, William. The Wrath of Khan. The Atlantic, 2005.
López, Ernesto. Writtings on Terrorism. Buenos Aires: El Prometeo, 2005.
Kelly, Liz. "You Can Find Anything you Want’: A Critical Reflection on Research on Trafficking in Persons within and into Europe." Data and Research on Human Trafficking: A Global Survey (2005).
Barker, Gary, and Christine Ricardo. Young Men and the Construction of Masculinity in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for HIV/AIDS, Conflict and Violence In Social Development Papers: Conflict Prevention & Reconstruction., 2005.
Zarqawi Dilutes Iraq Network, Leads New Al Qaeda Offensive in Europe and Middle East. Debka-Net-Weekly, 2005.
Duchek, Jan. "Zpravodajské služby při tvorbě a realizaci bezpečnostní politiky [Security Services in the Development and Implementation of Security Policy]." Vojenské rozhledy [Czech Military Review] 1 (2005).
Г., Дайър. Войната. Кръгозор, 2005.
Минчев, Златогор, Николай Павлов, Ирена Николова, Николай Томов, and Александър Цанков. Програмна структура на система за КПУ по управление в извънредни ситуации In Първа национална научно-практическа конференция по управление в издънредни ситуации и защита на населението. София: ИМИ - БАН, секция ИО, 2005.
Jun, Chang, and Jī jī. "直升机机载雷达对地多目标跟踪研究." 信息与电子工程 3, no. 3 (2005).
2004 European Union Organized Crime Report. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004.
Polansky, Mark, Tarun Inuganti, and Simon Wiggins. "The 21st Century CIO." Business Strategy Review 15, no. 2 (2004): 29-33.
States, National Commission. The 9/11 Commission Report. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2004.
The 9/11 Commission Report: Executive Summary. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2004.
Geisler, Martin, Mikkel Krøigård, and Andreas Danielsen. About Random Bits., 2004.
HG, Ehrhart. "Abschied vom Leitbild „Zivilmacht“? Konzepte zur EU-Sicherheitspolitik nach dem Irak-Krieg." In Neues Europa — alte EU?. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2004.
Teplenin, Timur. Abu Havs: three is definitely a crowd. Muhammad Atef: the last of the triad of ‘Ben Laden’s deputies. Vol. 27 September 2004., 2004.
Vos, Marita, and Henny Schoemaker. Accountability of Communication Management: A Balanced Scorecard for Communication Quality . Utrecht: Lemma, 2004.
Burmester, Mike, Yvo Desmedt, Rebecca N. Wright, and Alec Yasinsac. "Accountable Privacy." In 12th International Workshop on Security Protocols. Cambridge, UK, 2004.
Schuwirth, Rainer. "Actors and Witnesses." In EU Security and Defence Policy: The First Five Years (1999–2004), 241. Paris: Institute for Security Studies, 2004.
Yükselen, Hasan. Actors In The South Caucasus: Stability Providers Or Instability Exploiters In Department of International Relations. Vol. Master Of Science In International Relations. Middle East Technical University, 2004.
