
Export 21387 results:
Bertolino, Antonia, Guglielmo De Angelis, Micael Gallego, Boni García, Francisco Gortázar, Francesca Lonetti, and Eda Marchetti. "A Systematic Review on Cloud Testing." Systematic Review on Cloud Testing 52, no. 5A (2019).
Molodetska, Kateryna, and Yuriy Tymonin. "System-dynamic models of destructive informational influence in social networking services." International Journal of 3D Printing 3, no. 2 (2019): 137-146.
T/8029th Bill proposal . Prime Minister’s Office, 2019.
Pernin, Christopher G., Jakub P. Hlavka, Matthew E. Boyer, John Gordon, IV, Michael Lerario, Jan Osburg, Michael Shurkin, and Daniel C. Gibson. Targeted interoperability: A new imperative for multinational operations. RAND Corporation, 2019.
Tumkevič, Agnija. Tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo ir konflikto potencialas kibernetinėje erdvėje. Vol. Daktaro disertacija. Vilniaus Universitetas, 2019.
Mestric, Ivana Ilic, Arvid Kok, Giavid Valiyev, and Michael Street. Technical Report: Exploration of NATO Exercise Big Data for Lessons Learned. The Hague: NCI Agency, 2019.
Srivastava, Rachit. "Terrorism in Central Asia." Research journal of social sciences 10, no. 7 (2019): 179-185.
Rózsa, Tibor. "Theory, Practice and Tendencies of Information Operations." Defence Review 5 (2019): 82-84.
Repussard, Eva-Nour. There Is No Attribution Problem, Only a Diplomatic One. King’s College University, 2019.
Andreev, Metodi. There was nothing in the reports of the special services about Russian espionage and Gebrev’s poisoning. FrogNews, 2019.
Iliev, Ilia. They are pointing to Russia, aiming at Europe. Trud, 2019.
Dalto, Jeffrey. The Three Phases of Risk Assessment: Risk Management Basics In Vector solutions, Convergence training., 2019.
Minchev, Zlatogor, Pavlin Kutinchev, and Ivan Gaydarski. Top 10 live threats to cyberspace in 2019 In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2019.
Madry, Aleksander, Aleksandar Makelov, Ludwig Schmidt, Dimitris Tsipras, and Adrian Vladu. "Towards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial Attacks." arXiv e-prints arXiv:1706.06083 (2019).
Dang, Hung, Tien Dinh, Eechien Chang, Qian Lin, and Beng Ooi. Towards scaling blockchain systems via sharding In 2019 International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD '19)., 2019.
Traficom – About us., 2019.
Tomov, Petar, Iliyan Zankinski, and Todor Balabanov. "Training of artificial neural networks for financial time series forecasting in Android service and widgets." Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics 71 (2019): 50-56.
Kudors, Andis. "Transformation of Security and Intelligence Services in Latvia." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 18, no. 3 (2019): 105-124.
Michálek, Luděk, and Ladislav Pokorný. "Transformation of the Security and Intelligence Services in the Czech Republic." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 18, no. 3 (2019): 65-86.
Stieranka, Jozef, and Martina Binderová. "Transformation of the State Security in the Slovak Republic from 1989 to 1992." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 18, no. 3 (2019): 87-103.
Baker, J.C.. Transformational Leadership and Workplace Effectiveness In ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. Northcentral University, 2019.
Serag, Ahmed, Adrian Ion-Margineanu, Hammad Qureshi, Ryan McMillan, Marie-Judith Saint Martin, Jim Diamond, Paul O'Reilly, and Peter Hamilton. "Translational ai and deep learning in diagnostic pathology." Frontiers in Medicine 6 (2019): 185.
Trends in International Law for Cyberspace. NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense of Excellence , 2019.
Foks-Ryznar, A, J Ryzenko, K Trzebińska, J Tymińska, E Wrzosek, and T Zwęgliński. Trial as a Pragmatic and Systematic Approach for Assessing New Solutions in Crisis Management and Rescue Operations In XLIV-th IEEE-SPIE Joint Symposium. Wilga, Poland, 2019.
Pitman, Lora. The Trojan Horse in Your Head: Cognitive Threats and How to Counter Them In International Studies. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Old Dominion University, 2019.
