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Guiding Principles for Stabilization & Reconstruction. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace, United States Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, 2009.
The Guns of August 2008: Russia’s War in Georgia. New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2009.
The Guns of August 2008: Russia's War in Georgia . (New York, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2009.
Hamas: Ideological Rigidity and Political Flexibility. Washington DC: USIP, 2009.
"He Who Pays for the Pipelines Calls the Tune." The Economist (2009): 47.
Health Security in the European Union and Internationally In Commission Staff Working Document. European Commission, 2009.
Hearing on Reassessing the Evolving al-Qa’ida Threat to the Homeland In Statement Before the Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment. Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives, 2009.
Helping Hands: Civil–Military Cooperation and Italy's Mlitary Operation Abroad." Small Wars & Insurgencies 20, no. 3-4 (2009).
"Hierarchical global structures and their influence on Azerbaijani views of international politics." The Caucasus & Globalization 3, no. 2-3 (2009).
"The High North Legal-Political Regime." In Security Prospects in the High North: Geostrategic Thaw or Freeze?. Rome: NATO Defense College, 2009.
"Hillary Clinton: NATO Must Make Fresh Start with Russia. Reuters, 2009.
Historic Perspective on Afghanistan, its People and Culture." Rayburn House Office Building, Washington D.C., 2009.
"House Bill for a Carbon Tax to Cut Emissions Faces a Steep Climb." New York Times (2009).
""How Close Are We to Real Nanotechnology?" Humanity (2009).
Hronologija Reforme Sektora Bezbednosti u Republici Srbiji 2000–2008. Beograd: Centar za civilno-vojne odnose, 2009.
Human and Organizational Factors in Computer and Information Security: Pathways to Vulnerabilities." Computers and Security 28 (2009): 509-520.
"Human Security in Theory and Practice: Application of the Human Security Concept and the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security. United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security, 2009.
Human Trafficking, Human Misery: The Global Trade in Human Beings. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2009.
Hybrid Threats: Reconceptualizing the Evolving Character of Modern Conflict." Institute for National Strategic Studies Nation al Defense University 240 (2009).
"Hybrid vs. compound war. The Janus choice: Defining today’s multifaceted conflict." Armed Forces Journal (2009).
"Hybrid Warfare and Challenges." Joint Force Quarterly (2009).
"Hybrid Warfare and Challenges." Joint Force Quarterly 52 (2009): 34-48.
"Hybrid Warfare and Challenges." Joint Force Quarterly 52 (2009).
"Hybrid Warfare: Something Old, Not Something New." Air and Space Power Journal 23, no. 4 (2009): 13-18.