Export 21441 results:
Rethinking Revolutions: The Cold War in the Third World." Journal of Peace Research 29, no. 4 (1992).
"The Right to a Fair Trial in Emergency Situations." International and Comparative Law Quarterly 41 (1992): 343.
"Risk Society. Towards a New Modernisation . London: SAGE, 1992.
Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity. London: Sage, 1992.
Risk Society, Towards a New Modernity. London: Sage Publications, 1992.
The Roots of Blitzkrieg. Hans von Seeckt and German military reforms . Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1992.
Rossiia i Chernogoriia v kontse XIX-nachale XX vv. [Russia and Montenegro in the Context of the Nineteenth and the beginning of the Twentieth Centuries](link is external). Vladivostok: Izd-vo Dalʹnevostochnogo universiteta, 1992.
The Security Council of the United Nations and the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law." Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 20, no. 2 (1992).
"A Security Risk of Depending on Synchronized Clocks(link is external)." ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 26, no. 1 (1992).
"The Siege. Los Angeles: 20th Century Fox, 1992.
Soviet Active Measures in the “Post-Cold War”. Washington, D.C.: Era, 1992.
Soviet Active Measures in the "Post-Cold War" Era(link is external). Washington, D.C.: United States Information Agency, 1992.
Strategy and Structure in History of the American Enterprise. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992.
A Strategy for Collision Avoidance among Moving Obstacle for a Mobile Robot. Vol. 5. IFAC Control Conference, 1992.
A strategy for collision avoidance among moving obstacle for a mobile robot In IFAC Control Conference., 1992.
A Symbolic Generalization of Probability Theory In Tenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI, Edited by Paul Rosenbloom and Peter Szolovits. Menlo Park, CA, 1992.
Terrorism’s Challenge to Democracy." Atlantic Monthly (1992).
"Terrorists’ Perspectives: Memoirs." In Terrorism and the Media, 29-61. London: Sage Publications, 1992.
"Thinking about the European Future: The Uses of Comparison." Washington, D.C, 1992.
"The Third Wave: Democracy in the Late Twentieth Century. University of Oklahoma Press, 1992.
UN Security Council Resolution 798 In UN Document. UN Security Council, 1992.
Understanding Evidential Reasoning." International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 6 (1992): 401-424.
"Understanding the CEO/CIO Relationship." MIS Quarterly 16, no. 4 (1992): 439-448.
"The validity of Dempster-Shafer Belief Functions." International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 6 (1992): 389-399.
"Visionary Leadership: Creating a Compelling Sense of Direction for Your Organization. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1992.