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Haouas, Fatma, Zouhour Ben Dhiaf, and Basel Solaiman. "Fusion of spatial autocorrelation and spectral data for remote sensing image classification." In 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP). Monastir, Tunisia , 2016.
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Blasch, Erik, Youakim Badr, Salim Hariri, and Youssif Al-Nashif. "Fusion Trust Service Assessment for Crisis Management Environments." In Fusion Methodologies in Crisis Management. Cham: Springer, 2016.
Hunger, Iris, and Filippa Lentzos. "The Future of Biothreat Governance." In Biological Threats in the 21st Century. London: Imperial College Press, 2016.
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Tagarev, Todor. "A Generic Reference Curriculum on Cybersecurity." Information & Security: An International Journal 35, no. 2 (2016): 181-184.
Gupta, Suneet K., Pratyay Kuila, and Prasanta K. Jana. Genetic algorithm for k-connected relay node placement in wireless sensor networks In Second International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies. New Delhi, India: Springer, 2016.
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Gotkowska, Justyna. The German Initiative for Arms Control: Time for Dialogue with Russia. Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich, 2016.
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Murgia, Madhumita, and Duncan Robinson. "Google Faces EU Curbs on How It Tracks Users to Drive Adverts." Financial Times (2016).
Lemon, Edward. Governing Islam and Security in Tajikistan and Beyond: The Emergence of Transnational Authoritarian Security Governance. Vol. PhD. Exeter: United Kingdom: University of Exeter, 2016.
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Lebichot, Bertrand, Fabian Braun, Olivier Caelen, and Marco Saerens. A graph-based, semi-supervised, credit card fraud detection system In Complex Networks & Their Applications V. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2016. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Vol. 693. Cham: Springer, 2016.
Maiti, Chinmay, and Bibhas Chandra Dhara. "A grayscale watermark technique using sub-sampling and singular value decomposition." In International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET). Chennai, India , 2016.
