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Online news portal announcement ., 2015.
Online Security Braces for Quantum Revolution." Nature 525 (2015): 167-168.
"Open Cyber Challenge Platform., 2015.
Operation Atlantic Resolve Fact Sheet. US European Command Communication and Engagement Directorate, 2015.
Operations Research for Risk Management in Strategic Foresight." Planet@Risk 3, no. 2 (2015).
"An Optimized Multiple Semi-Hidden Markov Model for Credit Card Fraud Detection." Indian Journal of Science and Technology 8, no. 2 (2015): 165-171.
"Organising National Cybersecurity Centres." Information & Security: An International Journal 32, no. 1 (2015): 9-26.
"Organized Crime in the Western Balkans." HUMSEC Journal, no. 1 (2015).
"Orthodox Church Leader Reflects on the Religious Dimension of the Ukrainian Crisis." Eurasianet (2015).
"Orthodox Terrorism." First Things (2015).
"OSCE Chairmanship Event on Effective Strategies to Cyber/ICT Security Threats. Belgrade, Serbia, 2015.
OSCE Mission to Serbia., 2015.
Oshu Iinkai Dokkinho Ikigai Tekiyou [The European Commission Implements the Extraterritorial Application in Competition Law]. FACTA Online, 2015.
OWASP Security Shepherd., 2015.
The Paradox of Power in the Network Age." Foreign Policy (2015): 98-100.
"The Participation of North Caucasian Jihadists in the Syrian Civil War and its Security Implications. Rubin Center, 2015.
Pentagon Hunts for ISIS on the Secret Internet. CNN Politics, 2015.