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Help a Brother Out: A Case Study in Multinational Intelligence Sharing, NATO SOF. Vol. Master’s Thesis. Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School, 2011.
High capacity data hiding scheme in BTC domain combining visual perception ." Computer Engineering and Applications 3 (2011): 165-168.
"Higher Education: Use of New Data Could Help Improve Oversight of Distance Education. U.S. Congress by the United States Government Accountability Office, 2011.
High-Level Methodologies to Evaluate Naval Task Groups ." Naval Engineers Journal 123, no. 4 (2011): 67-80.
"Hot Issue – Has Al-Qaeda Opened A New Chapter in the Sinai Peninsula?. Jamestown Foundation, 2011.
How Does Law Protect In War?: Cases, Documents and Teaching Materials on Contemporary Practice in International Humanitarian Law. Third ed. Vol. I., 2011.
How Teams in Networked Organisations Develop Collaborative Capability: Processes, Critical Incidents and Success Factors." Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations 22, no. 5-6 (2011): 488-500.
"How Terrorist Groups End: Studies of the Twentieth Century." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 10, no. 2 (2011): 50-104.
"How the CIA Uses Social Media to Track How People Feel." The Atlantic (2011).
"How the War on Terror has Militarized the Police. The Atlantic, 2011.
How to stabilize failing states: the good, the bad and the ugly of international intervention. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2011.
Human Rights in Times of Conflict and Terrorism. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
The Hybrid Threat Concept: Contemporary War, Military Planning and the Advent of Unrestricted Operational Art In School of Advanced Military Studies. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: United States Army Command and General Staff College, 2011.
IAEA Mission Report: The Great East Japan Earthquake Expert Mission. Vienna: IAEA, 2011.
Iceland and Cyber-threats: Is it more than fear of fear?" Stjórnmál & Stjórnsýsla 1, no. 7 (2011).
"Idealistic and Realistic Typology of Peace." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 10, no. 3 (2011): 1-13.
"IGovernment. Amsterdam: University Press, 2011.
The Impact of Civilian Control on Contemporary Defense Planning Systems: Challenges for South East Europe." In NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA., 2011.
"Impact of Cyber-Security Issues on Smart Grid." In 2011 2nd IEEE PES International Conference and Exhibition on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies. Manchester, 2011.
"Impact of Terrorism on the Freedom of Movement and Protection of Human Private Life in The Arab World." British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences 1, no. 1 (2011).
"The Impact of the Financial Crisis on European Defence. European Parliament, Directorate General for External Policies, 2011.