Export 21441 results:
Not Like an Egyptian: Cybersecurity and the Internet Kill Switch Debate." In Texas Law Review, 465-495. Vol. 90., 2011.
""Not Sending Troops to Afghanistan the Right Decision–Senators." Interfax-Kazakhstan (2011).
Novyi integracyonnyi proekt dlja Evrazii – budushchee, kotoroe rohzdaetsia segodnia [The New Integration Project for Eurasia: The Future Born Today]. Izvestia, 2011.
Nuclear Lessons for Cyber Security?" Strategic Studies Quarterly (2011): 31.
"Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control In Arms Control Series. Brookings, 2011.
Nuclear Weapons: DoD and NNSA Need to Better Manage Scope of Future Refurbishments and Risks to Maintaining U.S. Commitments to NATO In report to congressional requesters. Washington DC: United States Government Accountability Office, 2011.
The ‘Obama Doctrine’: The Wisdom and Lawfulness of the President’s Take-No-Prisoners Approach., 2011.
Obama: ‘Leading from Behind’ on Libya." The Guardian (2011).
"Obama’s Non-doctrine Doctrine." The New York Times (2011).
"Obama Seeks Big Boost in Cybersecurity Spending." Computer- world (2011).
"Obama Tells Families of 9/11 Victims that ‘Justice has been done’. CNN Politics , 2011.
OCTA EU Organised Crime Threat Assessment. EUROPOL, 2011.
Open Letter on Middle East Policy: Lasting Peace Only Possible with Hamas on Board. Spiegel Online International, 2011.
Operation Just Cause. Global Security, 2011.
Operational Implications of the NATO Strategic Concept 2010 for European Countries in NATO and the EU In Monograph. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: United States Army Command and General Staff College, 2011.
Operativni Taktični Postopki. Ministry of Defence, 2011.
Opinion: America’s New Energy Security." Wall Street Journal (2011).
"Optimal IS Security Investment: Cyber Terrorism vs. Common Hacking In CIS 2011 Proceedings. Vol. 4., 2011.
Organised Crime National Situation Report 2011. Bundeskriminalamt, 2011.
OS Diversity for Intrusion Tolerance: Myth or Reality In Performance and De¬pendability Symposium, the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks., 2011.
An Overview of Formal Methods Tools and Techniques." In Rigorous Software Development: An Introduction to Program Verification, 15-44. London, 2011.
"Overview of Security Issues in Europe and Eurasia. The Heritage Foundation, 2011.
Pakistan: Terrorism Ground Zero. London: Reaktion Books, 2011.