Export 21441 results:
Social Networks and Politics 2.0., 2011.
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"Social Risk Assessment from Natural Hazards Using Fuzzy Logic." International Journal of Social Science and Humanity 1, no. 3 (2011).
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"Srategic Thinking about Future Security." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 11, no. 1 (2011): 29-41.
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"Standing by the Ruins: Elegiac Humanism in Wartime and Postwar Lebanon. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
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The State of the NATO-Russia Reset. Oxford: Conflict Studies Research Centre, 2011.
Statement by Mr. Hamrokhon Zarifi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, at the 856th Meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council. Austria, Vienna: OSCE Permanent Council, 2011.
Strategic Cyber Security. Tallinn, Estonia: Cooperative Cyber Defence Center of Excellence, 2011.
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"Strategic Safety Management of Territory and Organisation. Praha: CVUT, 2011.
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