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Pantev, Plamen. How Democratic Control of Armed Forces Has Supported the Development of Democracy in Bulgaria In International seminar on Democratic Control of Armed Forces in the European Security Context. Vienna, 2008.
Pantev, Plamen, Valeri Ratchev, Todor Tagarev, and Viara Zaprianova. Civil Society Security Expertise. Role of ThinkTanks and Activist NGOs In C I V I L - M I L I T A R Y R E L A T I O N S A N D D E M O C R A T I C C O N T R O L O F T H E S E C U R I T Y S E C T O R. Vol. A Handbook for Military Officers, Servicemen and Servicewomen of the Security and Intelligence Agencies, and for Civilian Politi. Sofia, 2005.
Pantev, Plamen, Todor Tagarev, Valeri Ratchev, and Viara Zaprianova. Civil-Military Relations and Democratic Control of the Security Sector. Sofia: Procon, 2005.
Pantev, Plamen. "Why Is Post-Conflict Rehabilitation Important for Preserving and Developing Transatlantic Relations." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 4, no. 2 (2005): 81-83.
Pantev, Plamen, Todor Tagarev, and Valeri Ratchev. "Civil-Military Relations in Bulgaria: Aspects, Factors, Problems." In Civil-Military Relations in South-East Europe: National Perspectives and PfP Standards, edited by Plamen Pantev, 31-62. Vienna: Institut fuer Internationale Friedenssicherung, 2001.
Pantev, Plamen, Todor Tagarev, and Valeri Ratchev. "Civil-Military Relations in Bulgaria: Aspects, Factors, Problems." In Civil-Military Relations in South-East Europe: National Perspectives and PfP Standards, edited by Plamen Pantev, 31-62. Vienna: Institut fuer Internationale Friedenssicherung, 2001.
Civil-Military Relations in South-East Europe: A Survey of the National Perspectives and of the Adaptation Process to the Partnership for Peace Standards(link is external), Edited by Plamen Pantev. Vienna: Institut fuer Internationale Friedenssicherung, 2001.