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Exploring the Use of Texting within San Antonio Texas Police Emergency Reporting. Vol. Dissertation. Walden University, 2016.
Facebook’s 2016 Year in Review. Facebook Newsroom, 2016.
Facing the ‘pivot' to Asia EU's role in East and Southeast Asia from a neorealist perspective." Poliarchia 1, no. 6 (2016): 53-72.
"Factors Influencing the Adoption of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Technology by Collection Managers. Northcentral University, 2016.
FBI backs CIA view Russia intervened to help Donald Trump win presidential election." Independent (2016).
"Features and Specifications of Distance Education System Moodle In LLC “Open Technologies” - in Russian., 2016.
Federal Law N375-FZ (in Russian)., 2016.
Fifth Chief Information Officers’ Conference,” NATO Communications and Information Agency,. NATO Communications and Information Agency, 2016.
A flexible e-voting scheme for debate tools." Computers & Security 56 (2016): 50-62.
"A flexible e-voting scheme for debate tools ." Computers & Security 56 (2016).
"A flexible e-Voting scheme for debating tools ." Computers & Security 56 (2016).
"FMEDA-Based NPP I&C Systems Safety Assessment: Toward to Minimization of Experts’ Decisions Uncertainty." In 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 2016.
"The FOCUS Family Resilience Program: An Innovative Family Intervention for Trauma and Loss." Family Process 55, no. 4 (2016): 647-659.
"For EU Eyes Only? Intelligence and European Security. European Union, Institute for Security Studies, 2016.
For ISIS, Virtual is the Real as It Scouts for India Recruits. The Indian Express, 2016.
Forecasting Of Automatic Relevance Determination For Feature Selection (FARD-FS) In Financial Fraud Detection." International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (2016).
"Foreign Terrorist Fighters: Trends, Dynamics and Policy Responses In ICCT Policy Brief. The Hague: International Center for Counter-Terrorism, 2016.
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"Formal and Intelligent Methods for Security and Resilience: Education and Training Issues." Information & Security: An International Journal 35, no. 2 (2016): 133-150.
"A formal models for mobile AD HOC networks group interactions In Proceedings of the Eighth International Scientific Conference ‘HEMUS-2016’., 2016.
Former Soldiers’ Attitudes Towards Active Reserve Service." In XVI International Symposium 2016 SYMORG., 2016.
"Forward Resilience: Protecting Society in an Interconnected World. Washington, D.C.: Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2016.
Framework for Securing Educational E-Government Service." International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) 5, no. 4 (2016).
"Fraud Detection in Credit Card Transactions; Using Parallel Processing of Anomalies in Big Data ." Journal of Information Technology Management 8, no. 3 (2016): 477-498.