
Export 21441 results:
Limaj, Besnik. Enhancing Cyber Security: the Challenges in FYROM, Kosovo and Moldova., 2015.
ENISA - European Union Agency for Network Information Security., 2015.
Blaine, M, J Sinovich, and SA Navy. "Ensuring the SADC Maritime Interest through Good Order at Sea." In Good Order at Sea: African Experiences. African Sun Media, 2015.
Sharif, Sardar M.. Erbil - Ankara Relations: Paradoxes, Challenges and Harmonization In Research Paper. Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, 2015., 2015.
D. Lucas, Luis Francisco. Estados unidos tras el 11-S y relaciones cívico-militares: de la transformación militar al paradigma de contrainsurgencia In Instituto Universitario General Gutiérrez Mellado. Vol. doctoral dissertation. Universidad Nacional De Educación A Distancia, 2015.
Radhika, M.N., S.S Parthasarathy, and Saroj G. Kumar. "Estimation and guidance for manoeuvring targets." In 2015 International Conference on Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology (ICERECT). Mandya, India, 2015.
Spassov, Philip. Estonia: Capabilities, Organisations, Policies, and Legislation in crisis management and disaster response In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2015.
Estonia – Latvia Programme., 2015.
Estonian Defence League’s Cyber Unit., 2015.
Estonian Rescue Service., 2015.
Traynor, Ian, and Patrick Kingsley. "EU Governments Push Through Divisive Deal to Share 120,000 Refugees." The Guardian (2015).
The EU Police Mission in Afghanistan: Mixed Results. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2015.
Egorova, Elizaveta, and Ivan Babin. "Eurasian Economic Union and the Difficulties of Integration: The Case of South Ossetia and Abkhazia." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 14, no. 2 (2015): 87-97.
Barbashin, Anton. "The Eurasian Illusion. The Myth of Russia’s Economic Union." Foreign Affairs (2015).
Molchanov, Mikhail A.. Eurasian Regionalisms and Russian Foreign Policy. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015.
Euro-Mediterranean Code of Conduct on Countering Terrorism In Final Text., 2015.
Erlanger, Steven. "Europe Focuses on Emerging Threats From Smaller Crews of Terrorists." New York Times (2015).
The European Agenda on Security. European Commission, 2015.
Bossong, Raphael, and Hendrik Hegemann. "European Civil Security Governance: Diversity and Cooperation in Crisis and Disaster Management." Raphael Bossong and Hendrik Hegemann ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
European Council meeting (19 and 20 March 2015) – Conclusions. Brussels, 2015.
Smith, Simon J.. "European Defence, CSDP and the UK: two cases of catch-22." In The Common Security and Defense Policy: National Perspectives. Brussles: The Royal Institute for the International Relations, 2015.
Ratchev, Valeri. "On the European experience in critical infrastructure." In Zelena knyha z pytan zakhystu kritychoy infrastructuru, 155-156. Kyiv: NISS, 2015.
Smith-Spark, Laura, and Susannah Cullinane. European Migrant Crisis: A Country-by-Country Glance. CNN, 2015.
European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations – Serbia. European Commission, 2015.
