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Souleimanov, Emil Aslan. "Making Jihad or Making Money? Understanding the Transformation of Dagestan’s Jamaats into Organised Crime Groups." Journal of Strategic Studiesm (2015): 1-25.
Ghazaryan, Sara. Making sense of EU’s conflict management strategy in South Caucasus In European College. Vol. Maste. Tartu: University of Tartu, 2015.
Sito-Sucic, Daria. Man who Fought in Syria Detained in Bosnia Over Police Killing. Al Arabiya, 2015.
Management of Information Security and Risk. Programme Specification. City University London, 2015.
Pederson, Joshua R., and Rachel M. McLaren. "Managing Information Following Hurtful Experiences: How Personal Network Members Negotiate Private Information." Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 33, no. 7 (2015): 961-983.
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Horncastle, James. "Mapping a Term: Geography and its Role in the Success and Failures of the Yugoslav and Greek Resistance Movements." In War and Geography. New York, 2015.
LePage, Rita. Mapping of StratCom practices in NATO countries. Riga, Latvia: NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence, 2015.
Maritime Search and Rescue Service., 2015.
Zhang, Jiegen. Maritime Silk Road and China’s Indian Ocean Strategy: An Analysis from the Perspective of Cooperative Security In Annual Report on the Development of the Indian Ocean Region. Current Chinese Economic Report Series. Singapore: Springer, 2015.
Wei, Li, and Xue Li. "Maritime Silk Road in the 21st Century: Security Risks and Countermeasures (21 世纪海上丝绸之路: 安全风险及其应对)." Taiping Ocean News (2015).
Mazurian Rescue Service., 2015.
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Khodabandeh, M., and A. Mohammad-Shahri. "Measurement Uncertainty evaluation for an ultrasonic data fusion based target differentiation problem using Generalized Aggregated Uncertainty measure 2." Measurement 59 (2015): 139-144.
Cañibano, Leandro. Measuring Intangibles to Understand and Improve Innovation Management (MERITUM) In Final Report., 2015.
Liberty, Arthur A.. Measuring the impact of 9/11 on the functionality of local emergency planning committees and the public disclosure of hazardous chemical information. Vol. Doctor of Science . New Jersey City University, 2015.
Prados, Juan Sebastián, Isabel Fernández Prados, Alexandra Ainz Galende, and María José Gonz Moreno. "Medición de la Participacion Social On-Line." In GT 20 Movimientos Sociales, Acción Colectiva y Cambio Social., 2015.
Memoranda of Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Association for Protection of Audiovisual Works in Bosnia and Herzegovina., 2015.
Memorandum of Understanding: Law and Legal Definition. US , 2015.
Cox, Simon. The Men Who Smuggle the Loot That Funds IS. BBC News, 2015.
Hoffman, Robert R., and Paul Ward. "Mentoring: A Leverage Point for Intelligent Systems?" IEEE Intelligent Systems 30, no. 5 (2015): 78-84.
Minchev, Zlatogor. "Methodological Approach for Modelling, Simulation & Assessment of Complex Discrete Systems." In National Conference on Informatics, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Professor Peter Barnev., 2015.
Hryshchuk, Ruslan V., and Kateryna Molodetska. "Metod prognozuvannja dynamiky poshyrennja kontentu j zapytiv na nogo za danymy kontent-analizu povidomlen u socialnyh internet-servisah." Systemy upravlinnja, navigacii ta zv’jazku 4, no. 36 (2015): 60-65.
Одарущенко, О.Б., В.О. Бутенко, В.С. Харченко, and Д.А. Бутенко. " Metric-based approach and tool for modeling the I&C system using Markov chains = Метричний підхід і інструмент для моделювання інформаційно-управляючих систем з використанням ланцюгів Маркова." In ICONE-23, 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Chiba, Japan, 2015.
Miller, Nick. MH17 Plane Was Shot Down by a Buk Missile, Russian Weapons Manufacturer Says. The Age, 2015.
