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The National Parliaments’ Approval on the EU Member States’ Arms Exports In Faculty of Humanities, International Relations, European Union Studies. Vol. Master. Leiden University, 2015.
National Police Headquarters., 2015.
National progress report on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (2011-2013)., 2015.
National Security Strategy. The Government, 2015.
National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015 In Policy Paper., 2015.
National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security Re-view 2015: A Secure and Prosperous United Kingdom." (2015): 40.
" National Statistical Institute., 2015.
NATO and New Ways of Warfare: Defeating Hybrid Threats In NDC Conference Report. Research Division - NATO Defense College, 2015.
NATO and the New Ways of Warfare – Defeating Hybrid Threats." In Conference Report, NATO Defence College. Rome, Italy, 2015.
"NATO and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Time to Bring It Home." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 14, no. 3 (2015): 1-6.
"NATO and Ukraine: In or Out?" Caucasus International (2015): 65-66.
"NATO Chief: Cyber Can Trigger Article 5." Defense News (2015).
"NATO Commander Breedlove Discusses Implications of Hybrid War. U.S. Department of Defense, 2015.
NATO Core Data Framework (NCDF) In Emerging Technologies Enabling Cross-COI Information Sharing., 2015.
NATO: Countering Strategic Maskirovka. Calgary: Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute, 2015.
NATO i UE w nowej rzeczywistości po aneksji Krymu [NATO and the EU in the New Reality after the Annexation of Crimea]." De Securitate et Defensione. O Bezpieczeństwie i Obronności 1, no. 1 (2015): 9-16.
"NATO interoperability: Sustaining Trust and Capacity within the Alliance In Research Paper. Rome: Research Division, NATO Defense College, 2015.
NATO Member’s Defense Spending, in Two Charts. Defense One, 2015.