Export 21441 results:
Putting AI into the EU Cyber Crisis Collaboration." In DIGILIENCE 2019. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2019.
"Quality Management Implementation in Higher Education: Practices, Models, and Case Studies . IGI Global, 2019.
Quantum-Based Solutions for the Next-Generation Internet." Information & Security: An International Journal 43, no. 1 (2019): 62-72.
"Raising Awareness on Cyber Security of ECDIS." Transnav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation 13, no. 1 (2019).
"Reflections on the Triple-Helix as a Vehicle to Stimulate Innovation in Technology and Security: A Belgian Case Study." In Innovations in Law Enforcement: Implications for Practice, Education and Civil Society, 35-45. Budapest, Hungary: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training, CEPOL, 2019.
"Regional Economic and Social Resilience: An Exploratory In-Depth Study in the Nordic Countries. Stockholm: Nordregio, 2019.
Reinforcement learning for new adaptive gamified LMS In Digital Economy. Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation, LNBIP. Vol. 358., 2019.
On the Renewal of the Independence of the Republic of Latvia In Declaration of the Supreme Soviet of the Latvian SSR., 2019.
Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 2019.
Research on the Overall Attitude Towards Mobile Learning in Social Media: Emotions Mining Approach." In DIGILIENCE 2019. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2019.
"Research-focused Cyber Exercises: National State-of-the-Art Academic Experience and Perspectives." In DIGILIENCE 2019. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2019.
"Resilience and Housing Markets: Who Is It Really for?" Land Use Policy 81 (2019): 167-174.
"Resilience and the End(s) of the Politics of Adaptation." Resilience 7, no. 3 (2019): 304-313.
"Resilience from Self-Discrepancy Theory." In DIGILIENCE 2019. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2019.
"Responding to Cybersecurity Challenges: Securing Vulnerable US Emergency Alert Systems In Communications of the Association for Information Systems., 2019.
Result oriented time correlation between security and risk assessments, and individual environment compliance framework In International Conference Europe Middle East & North Africa Information Systems and Technologies to Support Learning, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies., 2019.
Review of Cybersecurity Research Topics, Taxonomy and Challenges: Interdisciplinary Perspective In IEEE 12th Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2019.
Review of Cybersecurity Research Topics, Taxonomy and Challenges: Interdisciplinary Perspective." In 2019 IEEE 12th Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA). Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2019.
"Reviewing National Cybersecurity Awareness for Users and Executives in Africa ." arXiv:1910.01005 12, no. 1-2 (2019).
"Rhetoric on Service of Russia’s Information Warfare In Political Communication, Political Discourse and Rhetoric., 2019.
Risk and the Five Hard Problems of Cybersecurity." Risk Analysis 39, no. 10 (2019): 2119-2126.
"Risk Management – Risk Assessment Techniques. International Organization for Standardization , IEC 31010:2019., 2019.
The Role of the Human Factor in Cyber Security: Results from an Expert Survey in Bulgaria." In DIGILIENCE 2019. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2019.
"Romanian Hospitals in Crisis as Emigration Takes Its Tall." The Guardian (2019).