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USD 39, 5 billion will be spent on Smart City Technologies in 2016 In Press release by ABI Research.
"Using Secret Sharing for Searching in Encrypted Data." In Workshop on Secure Data Management in a Connected World. Toronto, Canada.
"West Europe–West China Project to Increase Deliveries by Trucks Almost Four-fold. Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
When Two Become One." In International Relations Theory and the Politics of European Integration. London: Routledge.
"Yeni enerji jeopolitiğinde nato'nun enerji güvenliğinde tamamlayıcı rolü ve Türkiye'nin potansiyel katkıları." Gazi Akademik Bakış, no. 10: 229.
"Zimbabwe - Disaster Statistics for 2014. Prevention Web.
Новите технологии и темпът на развитие на отбранителните системи." Военен журнал т. 109, no. бр. 2.
"Приносът на Република България за изграждане /на отбранителните способности на НАТО и ЕС." In Наука, образование, сигурност . Венелин Георгиев ed. София: Планета-3.