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Hemmings, John. Quasi-alliances, managing the rise of China, and domestic politics: the US-Japan-Australia trilateral 1991-2015. Vol. PhD thesis. The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), 2017.
Castro-Arvizu, Juan Manuel, Jordi Vila`-Valls, Ana Moragrega, Pau Closas, and Juan A. Fernandez-Rubio. "Received signal strength–based indoor localization using a robust interacting multiple model–extended Kalman filter algorithm." International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 13, no. 8 (2017).
Castro-Arvizu, Juan Manuel, Jordi Vilà-Valls, Ana Moragrega, Pau Closas, and Juan A. Fernandez-Rubio. "Received signal strength–based indoor localization using a robust interacting multiple model–extended Kalman filter algorithm." International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 13, no. 8 (2017).
Hidayah, Maulidia Rahmah, Isa Akhlis, and Endang Sugiharti. "Recognition Number of The Vehicle Plate Using Otsu Method and K-Nearest Neighbour Classification." Scientific Journal of Informatics 4, no. 1 (2017).
Couture, Jean-René. "Reconciling Operational and Financial Planning Views in a Customer-Funded Organization: Making Customer-Funding Work for NC3A." Information & Security: An International Journal 38 (2017): 63-69.
Kaplan, Jeffrey. "Red Dawn is Now: Race vs. Nation and the American Election." Terrorism and Political Violence 29, no. 3 (2017).
Siudak, Piotr. "Redefining cybersecurity through processual ontology of the cyberspace." Politeja 50, no. 14 (2017): 194-211.
Reform der Sicherheitsbehörden – Wie wär’s mit einem deutschen FBI?. Spiegel online, 2017.
Croissant, Aurel, and David Kuehn. Reforming Civil-Military Relations in New Democracies: Democratic Control and Military Effectiveness in Comparative Perspectives. Springer International Publishing AG , 2017.
Kocharyan, Hayk. Regional Security Dynamics: Azerbaijan In Analytical Bulletin: Center for Civilization and Cultural Studies., 2017.
On regulation of urban development activities In Law of Ukraine., 2017.
Mayer, Peter, Alexandra Kun, and Melanie Volkamer. Reliable Behavioural Factors in the Information Security Context In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Vol. Part F1305., 2017.
Oyekan, John, Vinayak Prabhu, Ashutosh Tiwari, Vinubha Baskaran, Mark Burgess, and Rob Mcnally. "Remote real-time collaboration through synchronous exchange of digitised human-workpiece interactions." Future Generation Computer Systems 67 (2017): 83-93.
Enev, E., Grigor Velev, Nikolai Stoianov, and Maya Bozhilova. Requirements for the Sensor Platform and Network for Indoor Deployment and Exterior Based Radiofrequency Awareness In ,” International Research Conference 105 Years Security and Defense Research. Sofia: Bulgarian Military Academy “G. S. Rakovski ”, 2017.
Edgar, Thomas W., and David O. Manz. Research Methods for Cyber Security . Cambridge: Elsevier, 2017.
Resilience, Deterrence and Defence: Building strong cybersecurity for the EU. Brussels: European Commission, 2017.
Herrera, Hugo. "Resilience for Whom? The Problem Structuring Process of the Resilience Analysis." Sustainability 9, no. 7 (2017): 1196.
Sampaio, Antônio. "Resilience Gains Ground in Counter-Terrorism Strategies." Jane’s Intelligence Review 29, no. 12 (2017): 18-21.
Raicu, Irina. Rethinking Ethics Training in Silicon Valley. The Atlantic, 2017.
Albert, Isaac Olawale. "Rethinking the Functionality of the Multinational Joint Task Force in Managing the Boko Haram Crisis in the Lake Chad Basin." Africa Develop¬ment 42, no. 3 (2017): 119-135.
Khattak, Muhammad Adil, Muhammad Khairy Har Shaharuddin, Muhammad Saiful Isl Haris, Muhammad Zuhaili Mo Aminuddin, Nik Mohamad Am Azhar, and Nik Muhammad H. Ahmadin. "Review of cyber security applications in nuclear power plants." Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology 7, no. 1 (2017): 43-54.
Reytyng Presydenta katastrofichno padaye. Esspresso TV, 2017.
Abreu, A., and J.M.F. Calado. "Risk Model to Support the Governance of Collaborative Ecosystems." IFAC-PapersOnLine 50, no. 1 (2017): 10544-10549.
Kumar, Vinay, Abul Abbas, and Jon Aster. Robbins basic pathology. Philadelphia, USA, Saunders: Elsevier, 2017.
Storey, Gary, Richard Jiang, and Ahmed Bouridane. "Role for 2D image generated 3D face models in the rehabilitation of facial palsy." Healthcare Technology Letters 4, no. 4 (2017): 145-148.
