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Topham, Luke, Kashif Kifayat, Younis A. Younis, Qi Shi, and Bob Askwith. "Cyber Security Teaching and Learning Laboratories: A Survey." Information & Security: An International Journal 35, no. 1 (2016): 51-80.
Riley, Shawn. Cyber Terrain: A Model for Increased Understanding of Cyber Activity. Centre for Strategi Cyberspace + Security Science, 2016.
Minchev, Zlatogor. Cyber Threats Identification in the Evolving Digital Reality In National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society". Plovdiv, 2016.
ICS – CERT. Cyber-Attack Against Ukrainian Critical Infrastructure. Department of Homeland Security, 2016.
Mygal, Valeriy, and Galyna Mygal. "Cyberphysical Approach to the Study of the Functioning of Dynamic Systems." Elektrotehnicheskie i kompyuternyie sistemyi 22, no. 9 (2016): 354-358.
Costigan, Sean S., Michael A. Hennessy, Scott Knight, Dinos Kerigan-Kyrou, Philip Lark, Chris Pallaris, Daniel Peder Bagge, Gigi Roman, Natalia Spinu, Todor Tagarev et al. Cybersecurity: A Generic Reference Curriculum. Kingston, ON: National Defence, 2016.
Illiashenko, Oleg A., Yevheniia V. Broshevan, and Vyacheslav S. Kharchenko. "Cybersecurity Case for FPGA-Based NPP Instrumentation and Control Systems." In 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE24. Charlotte, North Carolina, 2016.
Ristaino, Andre. Cybersecurity Critical for System Reliability. InTech – International Society of Automation, 2016.
Miloslavskaya, Natalia G.. Cybersecurity Culture as an Element of IT Professional Training. ResearchGate, 2016.
Minović, Adriana, Adel Abusara, , Vladimir Erceg, Predrag Tasevski, Vladimir Radunović, and Franziska Klopfer. Cybersecurity in the Western Balkans: Policy gaps and cooperation opportunities. Geneva: DiploFoundation, 2016.
Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act In CISA S.2588 - 113th Congress, S.754 - 114th Congress., 2016.
Mohideen, Feroze. The Cyber-Security State of our Nation: A Critique of South Africas Stance on Cyber-Security in Respect of the Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure In ICCWS 2016 11th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security ., 2016.
Dela, Piotr. "Cyberspace as the Environment Affected by Organized Crime Activity." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 15, no. 3 (2016): 55-64.
Libicki, Martin C.. Cyberspace in Peace and War. Naval Institute Press, 2016.
Sadiku, Matthew N. O., Adebowale E. Shadare, Sarhan M. Musa, and Cajetan M. Akujuobi. "Cyberterrorism." Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) 3, no. 12 (2016).
McCain, John. Cyberwar – the only sphere, in which Russia is ahead of US. interview by CNN, reported by RT, 2016.
Balcerowicz, Boleslaw. Czym jest współczesna wojna?., 2016.
5. Meyers, Adam. Danger Close: Fancy Bear Tracking of Ukrainian Field Artillery Units. CrowdStrike, 2016.
Stoykov, Mitko. "DARI Report on the Results of National Expert Assessment of Institutional Capabilities to Countering Hybrid Threats." In International conference “Interagency and International Cooperation in Countering Hybrid Threats". Sofia, Bulgaria, 2016.
Kremer, Sibbeline. De Veiligheid van Interventie.(Gebrek aan) internationale interventie in Libië en Syrië (2011) in het kader van het defensief realism. Vol. BA Scriptie. Universiteit Utrecht,, 2016.
van Uhm, Daan. "De Verwevenheid Tussen de Onder- en bovenwereld in de Wildlife Handel." Cahiers Politiestudies 1, no. 38 (2016): 41-54.
Raval, Siraj. Decentralized Applications: Harnessing Bitcoin's Blockchain Technology . O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2016.
Brantly, Aaron Franklin. The Decision to Attack: Military and Intelligence Cyber Decision-Making. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2016.
Tzvetkov, Georgi. The Declared Withdrawal from Syria and Russia's Next Steps In CSDM Views., 2016.
Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 92/2016., 2016.
