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Sotiriadis, Stelios, Andrus Lehmets, Euripides G. M. Petrakis, and Nik Bessis. Unit and Integration Testing of Modular Cloud Services In IEEE 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA). Taipei, Taiwan , 2017.
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)., 2017.
UNODA: Disarmament Field Activities., 2017.
"Unterrichtung durch das Parlamentarische Kontrollgremium." Bundestag Drs. 18, no. 12585 (2017).
Petiet, P.. Updated Project Handbook. Deliverable D911.10. DRIVER+ project, 2017.
US general: Russian Center in Serbia is not humanitarian., 2017.
Miller, Adam Entous and. "U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win." The Washington Post (2017).
Rumer, Eugene, Richard Sokolosky, and Paul Stronski. US Policy Toward the South Caucasus: Take Three In Carnegie Endowment for International Peace., 2017.
Lysenko, Vitaliy, Olexey Opryshko, Dmitruy Komarchuk, Natalia Pasichnyk, Natalia Zaets, and Alla Dudnyk. Usage of Flying Robots for Monitoring Nitrogen in Wheat Crops In The 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS). Vol. 1. Bucharest Romania, 2017.
Pigulevsky, Petro, Volodymyr Svistun, Sergey Stankevich, Mykhailo Svideniuk, and Olexandr Kiriliuk. "The use of geoelectric data and radar satellite imaging for the study of neotectonic processes in the southern part of the Kryvbas." In Proceedings of XI International Scientific Conference Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment. Kyiv, Ukraine: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2017.
Rodríguez, Emmanuel Guzmán, Enrique Medina Sánchez, and Ángel Ojeda Castro. "Users Perception on the Public Cloud Security Risk and Data Monetization." International Journal of Information Research and Review 04, no. 01 (2017): 3511-3516.
Vaske, Camilla, Mattias Weckstén, and Eric Jarpe. Velody — a novel method for music steganography In 2017 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing (ICFSP). Paris, France, 2017.
Verfassungsschutz belastet Landeskriminalamt. rbb24, 2017.
Villagers Reported on the Eviction out of Chechnya of the Relatives of a Suspected Fighter (in Russian). Kavkazsky Uzel [Caucasian Knot], 2017.
Kello, Lucas. The Virtual Weapon and International Order. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2017.
Vladimir Putin warns whoever cracks artificial intelligence will 'rule the world’., 2017.
Diersch, Verena, and Martin Schmetz. "Vom Cyberfrieden." In Politische Theorie und Digitalisierung, 297-312. Nomos, 2017.
Kumar, Narender. "War Beyond Rules: Hybrid War and India’s Preparedness." CLAWS Journal (2017): 58-74.
Was die Polizei in NRW verbessern will. Spiegel online, 2017.
Cate, David, Alexandra Kerr, and Renanah Miles. "Way Ahead for Defense Institution Building." In Effective, Legitimate, Secure: Insights for Defense Institution Building, 382., 2017.
Bates, Justin D.. Ways to Improve DoD 8570 IT Security Certification . Colorado Technical University, 2017.
Kotlyar, Evgenia. We Had a Goal… to Cause Unrest: Interview with the Ex-collaborator in a Troll Factory in St. Petersburg. TV Rain, 2017.
Goedeking, Matthias. Weaponized Information: Russische Desinformationskampagnen 1983-2014. Vol. Bachelor. Berlin: Universität der Künste, 2017.
Slayton, Rebecca. "What Is the Cyber Offense-Defense Balance? Conceptions, Causes, and Assessment." International Security 41, no. 3 (2017).
Clarke, Colin P., and Amarnath Amarasingham. Where do ISIS Fighters Go When the Caliphate Falls? They Have Options. The Atlantic Daily, 2017.
