
Export 21385 results:
Kurlantzick, Joshua. Fighting Terrorism with Terrorists., 2008.
Final communiqué, Meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of foreign ministers held at NATO Headquarters In Press Release. Brussels: NATO, 2008.
Final Communiqué, Meeting of the North Atlantic Council on the level of foreign ministers held at NATO Headquarters In Press Release. Brussels: NATO, 2008.
"Finnish Voters Still Oppose NATO Membership." Deutsche Presse-Agentur (2008).
Carter, Phillip. First Contractor Prosecution Ends in Guilty Plea., 2008.
Havel, Vaclav. "Five Points on the Issue of NATO." New Presence: The Prague Journal of Central European Affairs 11, no. 3 (2008): 24-27.
Satanovsky, Evgeniy Ya.. "Five years of war for oil and democracy." Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn 5 (2008): 3-10.
For Modification and Completion Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova In Parliament of the Republic of Moldova., 2008.
Watts, Clinton. "Foreign Fighters: How Are They Being Recruited? Two Imperfect Recruitment Models." Small Wars Journal (2008).
Kharchenko, Vyacheslav, and Vladimir Sklyar. FPGA-based NPP Instrumentation and Control Systems: Development and Safety Assessment. Kirovograd: RPC Radiy, 2008.
Framework Document on the Establishment of the NATO-Georgia Commission. Tbilisi: Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2008.
The French White Paper on Defence and National Security., 2008.
"The French White Paper on Defence and National Security." CSS Analyses in Security Policy 46, no. 3 (2008): 1-2.
Fiott, Daniel. "French White Paper on Defence and National Security: Peacebuilding, NATO, Nuclear Weaponsand Space." European Security Review 40 (2008).
Lukin, Alexander. "From a Post-Soviet to a Russian Foreign Policy." Russia in Global Affairs (2008).
Laprie, Jean-Claude. "From Dependability to Resilience." In 38th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. Anchorage, USA, 2008.
Torbakov, Igor. "From Hegemony to New Geopolitical Competition: Assessing Russia’s Strategic Footprint in Central Asia." Finnish Institute of International Affairs Briefing Paper 22, no. 6 (2008): 3.
Cardoso, Gustavo. "From Mass to Networked Communication: Communicational Models and the Informational Society." International Journal of Communication 2 (2008): 587-630.
Reichl, Peter, Joachim Fabini, Marco Happenhofer, and Christoph Egger. From QoS to QoX: A Charging Perspective In 18th ITC Specialist Seminar of Quality of Experience, Edited by Markus Fiedler, Francois Blouin and Patrik Arlos. Karlskrona: Blekinge Institute of Technology, 2008.
Kravchenko, Volodymyr. "Functional and Integral Approaches to Management of Entrepreneurial Risks: Theory and Practice." Problemy systemnoho pidkhodu v ekonomitsi 2, no. 6 (2008).
Nye, Joseph S.. "The Future of American Power." In War, Peace and Hegemony in a Globalized World, 36-49. New York: Routledge, 2008.
Alexeev, Denis S.. "The Future of Russia: Outlook from the Center and the Regions." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 7, no. 4 (2008): 59-80.
Solana, Javier. Future Trends from the Capability Plan. Brussels: Head of the European Defence Agency, 2008.
G.A. Zyuganov in ‘Pravda:’ China is the key to a new civilization. Vol. 28 May 2008. official website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, 2008.
G.A. Zyuganov in ‘Pravda’: Reforms in China are working. In Russia they are only being talked about. Vol. 1 February 2008. Official website of the CPRF, 2008.
