
Export 21385 results:
Awerbuch, Simon, and Yang Spencer. "Efficient Electricity Generating Portfolios for Europe: Maximising Energy Security and Climate Change Mitigation." EIB Papers 12, no. 2 (2007): 8-37.
Saleh, Noura A., Hoda N. Boghdady, Samir I. Shaheen, and Ahmed M. Darwish. "An Efficient Lossless Data Hiding Technique for Palette-Based Images with Capacity Optimization." In 14th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing and 6th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services. Maribor, Slovenia , 2007.
Egypt’s Sinai Question. Cairo/Brussels: International Crisis Group, 2007.
On Electronic Communications In Parliament of the Republic of Moldova., 2007.
Winbourne, Jeffrey, and Velizar Shalamanov. "Emergency Management Pillar of the Civil Security: Practical Approach." Security Issues (2007).
Emergency Preparedness of Estonia, Report of the National Audit Office to the Riigikogu. Tallinn, 2007.
Miller, Greg. "Emergency Rule in Pakistan; Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal a U.S. Worry." Los Angeles Times (2007): A10.
W. Curtis, John, and Dante Cichetti. "Emotion and Resilience: A Multilevel Investigation of Hemispheric Electroencephalogram Asymmetry and Emotion Regulation in Maltreated and Nonmaltreated Children." Development and Psychopathology 19, no. 3 (2007): 811-840, quote on p. 811.
Kagan, Robert. "End of Dreams, Return of History." Policy Review 143 (2007): 5.
Mackby, Jenifer, and Edward Ifft. "The End of START." Washington Post (2007).
Dandeker, Christopher. "The End of War? The Strategic Context of International Missions in the 21st Century." In Eight Essays in Contemporary War Studies. Stockholm: Förvarshögskolan, 2007.
Souleimanov, Emil. An Endless War: The Russian-Chechen Conflict in Perspective. Frankurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2007.
Boyer, Paul S.. The Enduring Vision. 6th concise ed. New York: Houghton Mifflin Publishing, 2007.
Milina, Velichka. "Energy Security and Geopolitics." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 6, no. 4 (2007): 27-46.
Energy Security Strategy In by the DoD Energy Security Task Force. U.S. Department of Defense’s, 2007.
Davis, Paul K., Steven C. Bankes, and Michael Egner. Enhancing Strategic Planning with Massive Scenario Generation: Theory and Experiments., 2007.
Lindström, Gustav. Enter the EU Battlegroups In Chaillot Paper. Paris: WEU-ISS, 2007.
Nikolova, Mariyana, Stoyan Nedkov, Darius Semmens, and Stoyan Iankov. "Environmental Quality and Landscape Risk Assessment in Yantra River Basin, Bulgaria." In Use of Landscape Sciences for the Assessment of Environmental Security, 209-224. Vol. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security. Netherlands: Springer, 2007.
Arloth, Jana, and Frauke Seidensticker. The ESDF Crisis Management Operations of the European Union and Human Rights. Berlin: Deutsches Institut fur Menschenrechte, 2007.
"Estimation of Seismic Risk and Potential Damages (Caused by Destruction of Building and Infrastructure." In Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Geophysical Institute, 2007., 2007.
Estonian Public Broadcasting Act., 2007.
Fiorenza, Nicholas. "EU Activates Operations Center for the First Time During MIEX Exercise." Jane’s Defence Weekly (2007).
Borchert, Heiko, and Karina Forster. EU and NATO Must Work Together to Guarantee Energy Infrastructure Security and to Define the Role of Soft vs. Hard Power . Brussels: Security Europe, 2007.
Tigner, Brooks. "EU Prepares for Hard-core Chad Mission." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 6, no. 3 (2007): 140-142.
The EU’s progress reports for the countries of South Eastern Europe, released in November 2007., 2007.
