
Export 21384 results:
Monitor, ISIJ. "Budget Transparency Initiative Website." Information & Security: An International Journal 11 (2003): 173.
Wilson, Mark, and Joan Hash. Building an Information Technology Security Awareness and Training Program, Computer Security In NIST Special Publication., 2003.
Tagarev, Todor. "Bulgarian Armed Forces and National Security Policy: Shaping the Security Environment in South East Europe." In Almost NATO: Partners and Players in Central and Eastern European Security, 119-155. Charles Krupnick (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003), 2003.
Lyutzkanov, Emil. The Bulgarian Navy – New Missions, Roles and Capabilities In Second AFCEA-Varna International Conference. Varna, 2003.
The Bulgarian Navy – New Missions, Roles and Capabilities In 2nd International Conference “The Bulgarian Navy – New Missions, Roles and Capabilities. Riviera Resort, Varna, Bulgaria: AFCEA-Varna , 2003.
Gramm, Dr. Christoph. "Bundeswehr als Luftpolizei: Aufgabenzuwachs ohne Verfas-sungsänderung?" Neue Zeitschrift für Wehrrecht (2003): 89-101.
Blettner, Annette. "Bundeswehr Einsatz in Afghanistan." Deutschland (2003): 58-61.
Ignatieff, Michael. "The Burden." New York Times Magazine (2003): 162.
Quinlivan, James T.. "Burden of Victory: The Painful Arithmetic of Stability Operations." Rand Review 27, no. 2 (2003): 28-29.
Pfaff, William. "Bush’s new global order will generate resistance." International Herald Tribune (2003): 6.
Shalamanov, Velizar. C4ISR Program Management in the Security Sector Transformation: Key Area of Defense In International Workshop “Strategic Defence Review – Economic Dimensions. Ribaritza, Bulgaria, 2003.
Monitor, ISIJ. "A Call for Holistic Approach to Defence Transparency in South East Europe." Information & Security: An International Journal 11 (2003): 165-166.
Morselli, Carlo. "Career Opportunities and Network-Based Privileges in the Cosa Nostra." Crime, Law and Social Change 39, no. 4 (2003): 383-418.
Chufrin, Gennady. "Caspian Energy Security The Changing Security Model in Post-Soviet Central Asia." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 2, no. 1 (2003): 1-7.
Shonbayev, Malik. "Caspian Oil and Regional Security." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 2, no. 1 (2003): 9-14.
H. Friman, Richard. "Caught up in the Madness? State Power and Transnational Organized Crime in the Work of Susan Strange." Alternatives 28 (2003).
Abdallah, Abdel Mahdi. "Causes of Anti-Americanism in the Arab World: A Socio-Political Perspective." Middle East Review of International Affairs 7, no. 4 (2003): 62-73.
Astaf'ev, G.B., A. A.Koronovsky, and A. E. Khramov. Cellular automaton: A manual . Saratov: State University Publishing House "College", 2003.
Winn, Neil. "CFSP, ESDP, and the Future of European Security: Whither NATO?" The Brown Journal of World Affairs 9, no. 2 (2003): 149.
Greco, Ettore. "CFSP Reform and Transatlantic Relations." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 2, no. 3 (2003): 57-64.
Hänggi, Heiner. "Challenges of Security Sector Governance." In Making Sense of Security Sector Governance. Berlin/Brunswick: NJ: LIT Publishers, 2003.
Sloan, Stanley R.. "Challenges to the Transatlantic Partnership." In the National Interest (2003).
Monitor, ISIJ. "Chemical and Biological Weapons Terrorism: Forging a Response." Information & Security: An International Journal 10 (2003): 118-125.
Johnston, Alastair Iain. "Is China a Status Quo Power? ." International Security 27, no. 4 (2003): 5-56.
Shambaugh, David. "China and the Korean Peninsula: Playing for the Long Term." The Washington Quarterly 26, no. 2 (2003): 173.
