
Export 21441 results:
Gafarli, Orhan, Arevik Anapiosyan, Khatuna Chapichadze, and Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu. "The Role of Global and Regional Actors in the South Caucasus." Journal of Conflict Transformation (2016).
Wither, James K.. "The Role of the Security Forces in Combating Terrorism." In Combating Transnational Terrorism, 131-148. Sofia: Procon, 2016.
Spencer, Alexander. Romantic Narratives in International Politics: Pirates, Rebels and Mercenaries. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Ronald Inglehart and Pippa Norris, “Trump, Brexit, and the Rise of Populism: Economic Have-nots and Cultural Backlash In HKS Working Paper. Harvard: Harvard Kennedy School, 2016.
Trenin, Dmitriy. Rossiya i mir v XXI veke [Russia and the World in the Twenty First Century]. Moscow: Eksmo, 2016.
Sforzin, Alessandro, Félix Gómez Mármol, Mauro Conti, and Jens-Matthias Bohli. RPiDS: Raspberry Pi IDS - A Fruitful Intrusion Detection System for IoT In Intl IEEE Conferences on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing and Communications, Cloud and Big Data Compu-ting, Internet of People, and Smart World Congress., 2016.
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Alimov, Timur. "Russia has created a 'suitcase' for explosion protection and listening (in Russian)." Russian weapons (2016).
Yosić, Mohammed. Russia in a multi-center world: the struggle of influence and hegemony (in Arabic). Mecca, 2016.
Galeotti, Mark. Russia’s Hybrid War as a Byproduct of a Hybrid State, War on the Rocks., 2016.
Russia ‘was behind German parliamentary hack’. BBC News, 2016.
Tomovic, Dusica. Russian Billionaire Sues Montenegro Over Lost Investment. Balkan Insight, 2016.
Woolf, Amy F.. Russian Compliance with the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty: Background and Issues for Congress. Washington DC: Congres¬sional Research Service, 2016.
Aalto, Pami. "Russian Energy Diplomacy." In Encyclopedia of Mineral and Energy Policy, 1-5. Springer International Publishing AG, 2016.
Levine, Mike, and Pierre Thomas. Russian Hackers Targeted Nearly Half of States’ Voter Registration Systems, Success-fully Infiltrated 4. ABC News , 2016.
Lanoszka, Alexander. "Russian Hybrid Warfare and Extended Deterrence in Eastern Europe." International Affairs 92, no. 1 (2016): 175-195.
Kofman, Michael. Russian Hybrid Warfare and Other Dark Arts. War on the Rocks, 2016.
Sazonov, Vladimir, Kristiina Müür, and Holger Mölder. Russian Information Campaign Against the Ukrainian State and Defence Forces. Tartu: NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence and Estonian National Defence College, 2016.
Tougaard, Jonathan B.. Russia's National Security Strategy in the Post-Soviet Space In Institute for Culture and Society. Vol. BA Dissertation. Aarhus University, 2016.
Paraszczuk, Joanna. "‘IS’s Abu Waheeb Really Liked North Caucasians’ & Notes on Circassians and Shishanis." From Chechnya to Syria (2016).
Paraszczuk, Joanna. Salakhuddin Shishani is Emir of Jaish al-Usrah, Khayrullah Shishani Is His Deputy. From Chechnya to Syria, 2016.
Zineddine, Mhamed. "Search Engines Crawling Process Optimization: A Webserver Approach." Internet Research 26, no. 1 (2016): 311-331.
The Secretary General’s Annual Report 2015. Brussels: NATO Public Diplomacy Division, 2016.
Serafino, Nina M.. Security Assistance and Cooperation: Shared Responsibility of the Departments of State and Defense. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2016.
Balduzzi, Marco, Kyle Wilhoit, and Alessandro Pasta. A Security Evaluation of AIS. TrendMicro, 2016.
