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Alexander Ovechkin. Wikipedia, 2015.
Bohn, Lauren. All Our Young People Have Gone to the Mountains’. Inside Turkey’s revived war against the Kurds. The Atlantic, 2015.
Waagemakers, Joas. Al-Maqdisi in the Middle., 2015.
Al-Qaeda and Pakistan: The Evidence of the Abbottabad Documents (Part Three)., 2015.
Vollmer, Maike, Todor Tagarev, and Isabelle Frech. Analysing Organisational, Legal, and Political Framework Conditions to Support the Implementation of New Crisis Management Solutions In 10th Security Research Conference Future Security., 2015.
Council, UN Security. Analysis and Recommendations with Regard to the Global Threat from Foreign Terrorist Fighters., 2015.
Zheng, Quan, and David B. Skillicorn. "Analysis of criminal social networks with typed and directed edges." In IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). Baltimore, MD, USA , 2015.
Jocelyn, Thomas. "Analysis: Why AQAP quickly denied any connection to mosque attacks." The Long War Journal (2015).
Nimmo, Ben. Anatomy of an info-war: How Russia’s propaganda machine works, and how to counter it. Central European Policy Institute, 2015.
Annual Report about the State of Defence and the Armed Forces for 2014. Sofia, 2015.
Annual Report of the Security Information Service for 2014., 2015.
Goel, Sanjay. "Anonymity vs. Security: The Right Balance for the Smart Grid." Communications of the Association for Information Systems 36, no. Article 2 (2015): 23-32.
Unnithan, Sandeep. Anti-Terror Grid in Deep Freeze. India Today, 2015.
Anton Melik Geographical Institute (Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts)., 2015.
Van Vlasselaer, Véronique, Cristián Bravo, Olivier Caelen, Tina Eliassi-Rad, Leman Akoglu, Monique Snoeck, and Bart Baesens. "APATE: A novel approach for automated credit card transaction fraud detection using network-based extensions." Decision Support Systems 75 (2015): 38-48.
Taylor, Guy. "Apocalypse Prophecies Drive Islamic State Strategy, Recruiting Efforts." Washington Times (2015).
AQAP and AQIM Give Scathing Rebuke of IS in Joint Statement. SITE Intelligence, 2015.
Kaufman, Sarah, and Vladi Vovcuk. "Are the Russians Losing Interest in Ukraine?" The Week (2015).
Mileham, Patrick. "Armed Forces Officership: An International Military Capability." In Routledge Handbook of Military Ethics. Routledge, 2015.
Voetelink, Joop. "Armed Forces Participating in Crisis Management Operations." In Status of Forces: Criminal Jurisdiction over Military Personnel Abroad, 55-83. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2015.
Jha, C. Armed Forces Special Power Act: A Draconian Law?. India: Vij Books India Pvt Ltd, 2015.
Hill, Fiona, Kemal Kirişci, and Andrew Moffatt. Armenia and Turkey: From Normalization to Reconciliation. Brookings Institution, 2015.
Armenia Joins Eurasia Union. Radio Azatutyun, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty , 2015.
Army Design Methodology. Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2015.
Around 8,000 Ukrainian officers sided with enemy in Crimea, Donbas, Interfax Ukraine. Kyiv Post, 2015.
