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"The Hand That Feeds: Kiev Now Unable to Survive without Extremist Support." Sputnik (2015).
Handling a Trillion (Unfixable) Flaws on a Billion Devices: Rethinking Network Security for the Internet-of-Things In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (ACM)., 2015.
Hard thinking about Russian soft power: What to do next?" Russia Direct (2015).
"Harnessing Cyber-technology’s Human Potential." Special Warfare 28, no. 4 (2015): 15.
"Here’s How to Make Sense of the Violence in Western Ukraine: Follow the Money." Atlantic Council (2015).
"Hereditary Functional Individuality of Semiconductor Sensors." Functional Materials 22, no. 3 (2015): 387-391.
"The hidden hand behind the Islamic State militants? Saddam Hussein’s." Washington Post (2015).
"Hijra – My Story." Al-Risalah 1 (2015).
"Hippocratic data sharing in e-government space with contract management In Information Technology in the Department of Information Technology Faculty of Accounting and Informatics. Vol. Magister Technologiae. Durban University of Technology, 2015.
Holistic Design of Collaborative Net-works of Design Engineering Organizations." In Risks and Resilience of Collaborative Networks, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 463., 2015.
"Hollande says Paris attacks an ‘act of war’ by Islamic State group. France 24, 2015.
‘Home-Grown’ Jihad: Understanding Islamist Terrorism in the US and UK. London: Imperial College Press, 2015.
Home-Grown’ Jihad: Understanding Islamist Terrorism in the US and UK. London: Imperial College Press, 2015.
Homicide and Its Social Context: Analysis Using the Self-Organizing Map." Applied Artificial Intelligence An International Journal 29, no. 4 (2015).
"Hospital Medical Devices Used As Weapons In Cyberattacks. DARKreading, 2015.
House Adds Funds to Counter Russian Info War." Washington Times (2015).
"How are c-suite executives different? A comparative empirical study of the survival of American chief information officers." Decision Support Systems 74 (2015): 88-101.
"How Can Societies Be Defended Against Hybrid Threats?" Strategic Security Analysis 9 (2015).
"How Cyber Changes the Law of War." Current and Emerging Trends in Cyber Operations: Policy, Strategy and Practice (2015).
" How Propaganda Works. Princeton University Press, 2015.
How Russia, Step by Step, Wants to Regain an Imperial Role in the Global and European Security System." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 14, no. 4 (2015): 21-41.
" How the catastrophic American decision to disband Saddam’s military helped fuel the rise of ISIL. National Post, 2015.
How the Current Conflicts Are Shaping Future of Syria and Iraq In Perspective. Rand Corporation, 2015.