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Key Prerequisites for Integrity in Defence - Role of Parliament In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2015.
Kobane has become another Stalingrad’: Peshmerga soldier. Rudaw, 2015.
Konflikty zbrojne jako instrument wpływu Federacji Rosyjskiej na obszarze poradzieckim. Wnioski dla Ukrainy i Polski [Armed Conflicts as an Instrument of Influence of the Russian Federation on the Post-Soviet Area. Consequences for Ukraine and Poland]." In Polska – Rosja. Perspektywa sąsiedzka [Poland – Russia. Neighborhood Perspective], 23. Siedlce, Poland:: Siedlce Pracownia Wydawnicza Wydzialu Haministycznego UPH, 2015.
"Kosovo 1999 and Crimea 2014: Similarities and Differences." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 14, no. 4 (2015): 57-68.
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Kremlin’s Ties to Russian Cyber Gangs Sow US Concerns. The Hill, 2015.
The Kremlin thinks that the massive protests rocking a Balkan nation are an outside job to hurt Russia In Business Insider., 2015.
On the KRG, the Turkish-Kurdish Peace Process, and the Future of the Kurds In Working Paper. IAI Global Turkey in Europe, 2015.
Kupin's hashing function is the new national standard of Ukraine." Radio Engineering 181 (2015): 23-30.
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La Risposta a Minacce di Natura NBCR in Italia., 2015.
La Unión Europea y la revolución electoral del Twitter en Moldavia. InterNaciones, 2015.
"Labour Migration, Remittances, and Human Development in Central Asia." Central Asia Human Development Series (2015).
Las Migraciones Transnacionales En Asia Central Como Amenaza A La Seguridad De Las Ex–Repúblicas Soviéticas (1991-2014) In Facultad De Relaciones Internacionales. Bogotá, D.C.: Universidad Colegio Mayor Nuestra Señora Del Rosario, 2015.
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