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ADL Mobile Learning Handbook. ADL Web site, 2012.
Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative In Experience API. Draft Specification., 2012.
Adventures with Daisy in Thunderbolt-DMA-land: Hacking Macs through the Thunderbolt interface. Break&, Security News, Tools & Methodology, 2012.
Afghan Worries Prompt US Defence Aid for Uzbekistan. Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 2012.
Afghanistan Index: Tracking Variables of Reconstruction & Security in Post-9/11 Afghanistan. Brookings Institute, 2012.
Afghanistan to 2015 and Beyond In Adelphi Series. Vol. 425–26. International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2012.
After America." Foreign Policy (2012): 26-29.
" "Akhmed Chataev Innocent – MIA Compelled Witness to Sign Fake Testimonies., 2012.
Al Qaeda 3.0: Terrorism’s Emergent New Power Bases." The Daily Beast (2012).
"Al Qaeda Rejects Anders Behring Breivik Comparison." The Telegraph (2012).
"Al Qaeda’s Online Forums Go Dark for Extended Period." Washington Post (2012).
"Albanian-NATO relations in the fight against international terrorism. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2012.
The Alchemy of Revolution: The Role of Social Networks and New Media in the Arab Spring." GCSP Policy Paper 7 (2012).
"The Alchemy of Revolution: The Role of Social Networks and New Media in the Arab Spring. Geneva Centre for Security Policy, 2012.
All Glory Is Fleeting: Insights from the Se¬cond Lebanon War . Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2012.
All Hazards Risk Assessment Methodology Guidelines 2012–2013. Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, 2012.
The All-Invasive Clientella." Svobodnaya Mysl 7 (2012): 32-33.
" al-Muqaraba li nazilat al-’asr. Copenhagen: al-Nur, 2012.
Al-Qaeda bombmaker Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri has tried to attack the U.S. three times, officials say." Washington Post (2012).
"A Ameaça Jihadista nos Estabelecimentos Prisionais: Desafios e Dilemas." Nação e Defesa 132 (2012): 192-211 .
"America’s Pacific Rebalance In Project Syndicate., 2012.
Analysis of Credit Card Fraud Detection Techniques: based on Certain Design Criteria." International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) 52, no. 3 (2012).
"Analytical Support to Critical Infrastructure Protection Policy and Investment Decision-Making." Information & Security: An International Journal 28, no. 1 (2012): 13-20.