
Export 21387 results:
Horgan, John, and Max Taylor. "Playing the ‘Green Card’ – Financing the Provisional IRA: Part 1." Terrorism and Political Violence 11, no. 2 (1999): 30-31.
Belov, Oleksandr. Podobaietsia tse komus, chy ne podobaietsia, ale my budemo hovoryty te, shcho dumaiemo. National Institute for Strategic Studies, 1999.
Sandler, Todd, and Keith Hartley. The Political Economy of NATO. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
McAdam, Doug. Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1930-1970. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Lee, Rensselaer W., and Francisco Thoumi. "The Political-Criminal Nexus in Colombia." Trends in Organized Crime 5 (1999): 60.
Khripunov, Igor. The Politics and Economics of Russia’s Conventional Arms Transfers In Dangerous Weapons, Desperate States. New York: Routledge, 1999.
Resnick, David. "Politics on the Internet: The Normalization of Cyberspace." The Politics of Cyberspace (1999): 55-56.
"The population doesn’t believe in honest elections (Населення не вірить у чесні вибори)." Vechernie vesti (1999): 2.
Presidency Progress Report to the Helsinki European Council on Strengthening the Common European Policy on Security and Defence., 1999.
Thomas, Timothy L.. "Preventing Conflict Through Information Technology." Military Review 78, no. 6 (1999): 44-57.
Semerdzhiev, Atanas. Prezhivianoto ne podlezhi na obzhalvane. Sofia: Hristo Botev Publishing House, 1999.
Au, T.A.. A primer of CORBA: A framework for distribution applications in defence In Technical report. Salisbury, Australia: DSTO Electronics and Surveillance Research Lab, 1999.
Shalamanov, Velizar. "Priorities of Bulgarian Defense Policy and Planning." Security Policy 2 (1999): 3-21.
Singleton, Solveig. Privacy and Human Rights: Comparing the United States to Europe In Cato Institute White Paper., 1999.
Conference, Wilton Park. "The Privatisation of Security: Framing a Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Policy Agenda." International Alert (1999).
Pitt, Jeremy, and Fabio Bellifemine. A protocol-based semantics for FIPA’97 acl and its implementation in Jade In AI*IA ., 1999.
Provisional Assessment of Civilian Casualties and Destruction in the Territory of the FRY from 24 March to 8 June 1999. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yugoslavia, 1999.
La Porta, R.. "The quality of government." Journal of Law, Economics, and organization 15, no. 1 (1999): 222-279.
Shelton, Charlotte. Quantum Leaps: 7 Skills for Workplace Recreation. Boston, MA.: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
Weller, Marc. "The Rambouillet Conference on Kosovo." International Affairs 75, no. 2 (1999): 216.
Caldor, Mary. "Razboaie noi si vechi (New and Old Wars)." Antet (1999): 117-127.
Card, Stuart K., Jock D. Mackinlay, and Ben Shneiderman. Readings in Information Visualization Using Vision to Think . San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 1999)., 1999.
Jervis, Robert. "Realism, Neo-liberalism and Cooperation: Understanding the Debate." International Security 24, no. 1 (1999): 42-63.
Lipson, Michael. "The Reincarnation of COCOM: Explaining Post-Cold War Export Controls." The Non-Proliferation Review (1999): 33-51.
Smith, Gordon. "Reinventing Diplomacy: A Virtual Necessity." Virtual Diplomacy Series (1999).
