
Export 21398 results:
Alberts, David S., and Daniel S. Papp. The Information Age: An Anthology of Its Impacts and Consequences . Washington D.C, 1997.
Alberts, David, and Daniel Papp. The Information Age: An Anthology on Its Impacts and Consequences. Washington D.C.: NDU Press, 1997.
Hoo, Kevin Soo, Seymour Goodman, and Lawrence Greenberg. "Information Technology and the Terrorist Threat." Survival 39, no. 3 (1997).
Bayardo, R., W. Bohrer, R. Brice, A. Cichocki, G. Fowler, A. Helai, V. Kashyap, T. Ksiezyk, G. Martin, M. Nodine et al. Infosleuth: Semantic integration of information in open and dynamic environments In 1997 ACM International Conference on the Management of Data SIGMOD . Tucson, Arizona, 1997.
Christensen, Clayton. The Innovators Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press, 1997.
Hofstede, Geert. Intercultural Cooperation and its Importance for Survival. London: McGraw Hill UK, 1997.
D., Driankov, M. Reinfrank, and H. Hellendoorn. An introduction to fuzzy control. SpringerVerlag, 1997.
Illachinski, Andy. Irreducible Semi-Autonomous Adaptive Combat (ISAAC): An Artificial Life Approach to Land Warfare. Center for Naval Analyses, 1997.
Illachinski, Andy. "Irreducible Semi-Autonomous Adaptive Combat (ISAAC): An Artificial Life Approach to Land Warfare." Research Memorandum CRM 97-61 (1997).
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management., 1997.
Lucky, Robert. "The Junk Plague." IEEE Spectrum 34, no. 9 (1997).
Doyle, Michael W.. "Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs." In Debating the Democatic Peace, 3-57. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997.
Konver II–Fostering of Conversion by the European Union. Bonn: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), 1997.
Blashi, Joseph R., Maya Kroumova, and Douglas Kruse. Kremlin Capitalism. The Privatisation of the Russian Economy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997.
Burns, James MacGregor. Leadership. New York: Harper & Row, 1997.
Kay, Judy. "Learner Know Thyself: Student Models to Give Learner Control and Responsibility." In Control and Responsibility: International Conference on Computers in Education, 17-24. AACE, 1997.
Senge, Peter. "Looking Ahead: Implications of the Present." Harvard Business Review (1997).
Turner, Barry, and Nick Pidgeon. Man-made Disasters. 2nd ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997.
Naisbitt, John. Megatrends. Poznań: Zyski i S-ka, 1997.
Selberg, Erik, and Orentz Etzioni. "The Metacrawler architecture for resource aggregation on the web." IEEE Expert: Intelligent Systems and their Applications (1997): 8-14.
Kopriva, Ivica, Kreimir Cosic, and Tomislav Sikic. "The Methodology for Digital Real Time Simulation of Dynamic Systems using Modern DSPs." Journal Simulation Practice & Theory 5, no. 2 (1997): 137-151.
Baumgartner, Peter, and Sabine Payr. Methods and practice of software evaluation: The case of the European Academic Software Award (EASA) In ED-MEDIA 97 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. Charlottesville, AACE, 1997.
van den Bosch, C.J.H., and R.A.P.M Weterings. Methods for the calculation of physical effects – ‘Yellow Book,’ CPR 14E. 3rd ed. The Hague: Committee for the Prevention of Disasters, 1997.
Dömel, Peter, Anselm Lingnau, and Oswald Drobnik. Mobile Agent Interaction in Heterogeneous Environment In First International Workshop on Mobile Agents. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Simon, Herbert A.. Models of Bounded Rationality. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1997.
