
Export 21385 results:
Sikora, Ivan. Budget-2014: Systemic Risks Costing over 188 Billion UAH. Open Society Foundation, 2014.
Isayama, Kenji, and Rajib Shaw. "Building Disaster Resilient Community Through Healthcare Networking." In Community Practices for Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan, Disaster Risk Reduction: Methods, Approaches and Practices Series, 91-120. Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2014.
Building Integrity (BI) Programme. NATO A-Z, 2014.
By worsening the relations with Russia, it won’t be possible to normalize the situation in Ukraine (Ukhudshaya otnosheniya s Rossiei, normalizovat situatsiyu na Ukraine ne ydastsya) In Interview with an Expert., 2014.
Cabinet of ministers has approved a plan to deal with illegal coal mining. Union of Coal Industry Workers, 2014.
McCoy, Terrence. "Camp Bucca: The US prison that became the birthplace of Isis." Independent (2014).
Griswold, Eliza. "Can General Linder’s Special Operations Forces Stop the Next Terrorist Threat?" New York Times Magazine (2014).
Anastasios, Papazoglou. Capability-based planning with TOGAF and ArchiMate In School of Management and Governance. Vol. Master Thesis. University of Twente, 2014.
Capital District Man Indicted on Three Felony Charges Related to Development of Lethal Radiation Device. Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2014.
Cardiff Jihadist ‘willing to die’ for ISIS fight in Syria. BBC, 2014.
Alspaugh, John M.. A Case Study Assessment of Nebraska Disaster Preparedness at the Local Level. Northcentral University, 2014.
Hahn, Gordon M.. The Caucasus Emirate Mujahedin: Global Jihadism in Russia’s North Caucasus and Beyond. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014.
Gelfgat, Vitaly. "Central Asian States: Matching Military Means to Strategic Ends." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 13, no. 3 (2014): 1-20.
CEPOL Signs Working Agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina., 2014.
CES Fitness Tech Trends. Moor Insights & Strategy, 2014.
Linkov, Igor, Todd Bridges, Felix Creutzig, Jennifer Decker, Cate Fox-Lent, Wolfgang Kröger, James Lambert, Anders Levermann, Benoit Montreuil, Jatin Nathwani et al. "Changing the resilience paradigm." Nature Climat Change 4, no. 6 (2014): 407-409.
Ingram, Haroro J.. The Charismatic Leadership Phenomenon in Radical and Militant Islamism. Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2014.
Solovieva, Daria. Chechens Among Jihadists in Syria. Vol. 26 April 2014. Al-Monitor, 2014.
Kolotilov, Vasiliy. ‘China does not consider Russia an equal.’ Why the PRC will not become a military and political ally of Russia to counterbalance Europe and the United States. Vol. 20 May 2014. Profile, 2014.
Lukyanov, Fedor. The Chinese would not want Russia to suffer defeat. Vol. 24 March 2014. Kommersant-FM, 2014.
Circassian Genocide In Circassian Genocide Documents., 2014.
CIS Free Trade Area Treaty., 2014.
CIS leaders will discuss the prospects of the Eurasian Economic Union at the Minsk summit (Lidery stran SNG obsudyat perspektivi Evraziiskogo Ekonomicheskogo Soyuza na sammite v Minske). TASS, 2014.
Cisco Networking Academy Membership Guide v3.0 In Cisco Networking Academy., 2014.
Gerritsen, Gert. Citizenship, What…? Contested internal borders in Estonia In Borders, Identities and Governance in Europe. Nijmegen School of Management. Vol. Master Thesis Human Geography,. Radboud University Nijmegen, 2014.
