
Export 21387 results:
Van Creveld, Martin. Die Zukunft des Krieges. München: Gerling Akademie Verlag, 1998.
T. Bartone, Paul, Amy B. Adler, and Mark A. Vaitkus. "Dimensions of Psychological Stress in Peacekeeping Operations ." Military Medicine (1998).
T. Bartone, Paul, Mark A. Vaitkus, and Amy B. Adler. "Dimensions of Psychological Stress in Peacekeeping Operations." Military Medicine 163 (1998).
Bethke, K.-H., A. Schroth, and B. Röde. "The DLR Short Range Radar Network Installed at Braunschweig Airport: First Results." In IRS98 DGON/ITG conference. Munich, 1998.
McKay, Niall. "Do Terrorists Troll the Net." Wired 4 (1998).
Beason, Doug. DoD Science And Technology: Strategy For The Post-Cold War Era . Washington D.C.: NDU Press, 1998.
Hart, Chris. Doing a Literature Review . London: SAGE Publications Limited, 1998.
Kuzio, Taras. "The Domestic Sources of Ukrainian Security Policy." The Journal of Strategic Studies 21, no. 4 (1998): 23.
Fellbaum, Christiane. "An Electronic Lexical Database ." Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press (1998).
Ruggie, John Gerard. "Embedded Liberalism and the Postwar Economic Regimes." In Constructing the World Polity. Essays on International Institutionalization, 62-84. New York: Routledge, 1998.
Dupont, Alan. The Environment and Security in Pacific Asia In ADELPHI Paper 319., 1998.
Carlucci, Frank. Equipped for the Future: Managing U.S. Foreign Affairs in the 21st Century. Washington, DC: Henry L. Stimson Center, 1998.
Resnik, David B.. The Ethics of Science. New York: Routledge, 1998.
Rhodes, Carolyn. The European Union in the World Community. Boulder, CO: Lynn Rienner, 1998.
Allen, D., and M. Smith. "The European Union’s Security Presence: Barrier, Facilitator or Manager?" In The European Union in the World Community, 45-63. London:: C. Lynne Rienner, 1998.
Tagarev, Todor. "Evolution of the Notion of ‘Information War'." Military Journal 105, no. 3 (1998): 80-86.
Dias, D., H. T. Ozdemir, S. Pallickara, Z. Ozdemir, B. Natarajan, V. Mehra, W. Furmanski, and G. Fox. Exploring JSDA, CORBA and HLA based MuTech's for Scalable Televirtual (TVR) Environments In VRML98. Monterey CA, 1998.
Al-Qardawi, Yusuf. "Extremism." In Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook, 199-201. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Macieszczak, M, P. Bergeron, M. Mayrand, J. Couture, and J.R. Duquet. "Fast Multithreaded Agent-Blackboard Expert System: A Solution for a Next Generation Command and Control System." In 1998 Systems Engineering and Software Symposium. New Orleans, 1998.
Okin, Susan Moiler. "Feminism and Multiculturalism: Some Tensions." Ethics 108, no. 4 (1998): 662.
Paul, II, John. Fides et Ratio. Vatican City, 1998.
Hartley, Trevor. The Foundations of European Community Law. 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Cachin, Christian. "On the Foundations of Oblivious Transfer." Advances in Cryptology: EUROCRYPT’98 1403 (1998): 361-374.
Prins, Gwyn. "The Four-Stroke Cycle in Security Studies." International Affairs 74, no. 4 (1998): 788.
"Franco-British summit Joint declaration on European Defence (St. Malo Declaration)." In Franco-British summit, § 2. Saint-Malo, 1998.
