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McCants, Nicholas. The Resource Allocation Process and the Effects on Cybersecurity Culture In . Vol. Doctor of Information Technology. Capella University.
Douglas, Nadja. "Revising the Framework of Civilian Control." In Public Control of Armed Forces in the Russian Federation, 63-104. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Llanque, Marcus. "The Rhetoric of intellectual Manifestos from the First World War to the War against Terrorism." In The Ashgate Research Companion to the Politics of Democratization in Europe. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
"SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 are related but different viruses and produce related but different infections." WHO.
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Navrátil, Matej, and Michal Onderco. "Slovakia: Creating and Transforming Civil-Military Relations." In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.
Kuldeep, Singh, Jøsang Audun, Sadek Ferdous, and Ravishankar Borgaonkar. Spam Filter Optimality Based on Signal Detection Theory In 2nd international conference on Security of information and networks. Famagusta, North Cyprus.
Standards of higher education 1701 “Information Security“.
On the State Program for Transition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to Manning with Contract Military Servicemen In Decree by the President of Ukraine No. 348/2002 .
Holliday, P.. "SWARMM - a mobility modelling tool for tactical military networks." In Military Communications Conference. San Diego, CA: IEEE.
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Ugroza terrorizma v Rossii sokhranaetsya [The Terrorist Threat in Russia Remains]. Rosbalt.
Sapolsky, Harvey M., Eugene Gholz, and Caitlin Talmadge. US Defense Politics: The origins of security policy. Routledge.
U.S. Response to Crisis in Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan. U.S. Department of State.
USD 39, 5 billion will be spent on Smart City Technologies in 2016 In Press release by ABI Research.
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Brinkman, Richard, Jeroen Doumen, and Willem Jonker. "Using Secret Sharing for Searching in Encrypted Data." In Workshop on Secure Data Management in a Connected World. Toronto, Canada.
West Europe–West China Project to Increase Deliveries by Trucks Almost Four-fold. Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Bigo, Didier. "“When Two Become One”." In International Relations Theory and the Politics of European Integration. London: Routledge.
İşeri, Emre, and A.Oğuz Dilek. "Yeni enerji jeopolitiğinde nato'nun enerji güvenliğinde tamamlayıcı rolü ve Türkiye'nin potansiyel katkıları." Gazi Akademik Bakış, no. 10: 229.
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Бахчеванов, Георги. "Приносът на Република България за изграждане /на отбранителните способности на НАТО и ЕС." In Наука, образование, сигурност . Венелин Георгиев ed. София: Планета-3.
