
Export 21385 results:
Singh, Ajit Kumar. "Tuning the Indian Police." Geopolitics 2, no. 6 (2011): 54-55.
Cengiz, Firat, and Lars Hoffmann. Turkey and the European Union: Facing New Challenges and Opportunities. New York: Routledge, 2011.
Bilefsky, Dan. "Turkey Moves to Intensify Sanctions Against Syria." The New York Times (2011).
Cagaptay, Soner. "Turkey’s Future Role in the ‘Arab Spring’." Focus 5, no. 4 (2011).
Turkmenistan Beefs up Caspian Presence, Irritating Russia., 2011.
Independent Monitoring Commission. Twenty-Sixth and Final Report of the Independent Monitoring Commission. London: The Stationery Office, 2011.
Comninos, Alex. Twitter Revolutions and Cyber Crackdowns. Association for Progressive Communications, 2011.
Twitter/@MajorEChirchir Your boys are a .... HSMPress, Twitter, Wikipedia, 2011.
I., Khaindrava. "Two Ossetias in the Context of Russian-Georgian Relations (Dve Ossetii v kontekste rossiisko-gruzinskih otnoshenii)." In Russia nd Georgia: In the Search of Solution (Rossiya i Gruziya: v poiskah vyhoda), 114-128. Gergian Foundation of Strategic and International Studies, 2011.
UK Cyber Security Strategy. UK Cabinet Office, 2011.
The UK Cyber Security Strategy: Protecting and promoting the UK in a digital world., 2011.
Cabinet Office. The UK Cyber Security Strategy Protecting and Promoting the UK in a Digital World., 2011.
The UK’s Foreign Policy Approach to Afghanistan and Pakistan In Foreign Affairs Select Committee Report. London: House of Commons, 2011.
UN Development Programme. HDR Office, 2011.
UN Security Council Resolution 1973 In S/RES/1973 (2011)., 2011.
UN Security Council Resolution 2014., 2011.
UN Strategic Results Framework on Women, Peace and Security 2011–2020. New York: United Nations, 2011.
Guber, A. K., Y. A. Pachepsky, A. M. Yakirevich, D. R. Shelton, A. M. Sadeghi, D. C. Goodrich, and C. L. Unkrich. "Uncertainty in modelling of faecal coliform overland transport associated with manure application in Maryland." Hydrological processes 25, no. 15 (2011).
Underground Economies: Intellectual Capital and Sensitive Corporate Data Now the Latest Cybercrime Currency. McAfee and SAIC, 2011.
Diallo, Saikou Y., Heber Herencia-Zapana, Jose J. Padilla, and Andreas Tolk. Understanding interoperability In EAIA '11 Proceedings of the 2011 Emerging M&S Applications in Industry and Academia Symposium., 2011.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973., 2011.
Kitchen, Nicholas. The United States After Unipolarity: Executive Summary In IDEAS reports. London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 2011.
Universalen simulator ot Avstralia., 2011.
Cavelty, Myriam Dunn. "Unraveling the Stuxnet Efect: Of Much Persistence and Little Change in the Cyber Threats Debate." Military and Strategic Affairs 3, no. 3 (2011): 11-19.
Souleimanov, Emil. "The Upsurge of Islamist Violence in the North Caucasus: Exploring the Case Studies of Dagestan and Kabardino-Balkaria." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 10, no. 3 (2011): 117-126.
