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Bezpieczeństwo narodowe Polski w XXI wieku. Wyzwania i strategie. Warsaw: Bellona, 2006.
Vogel, Kathleen. "Bioweapons Proliferation: Where Science Studies and Public Policy Collide." Social Studies of Science 36, no. 5 (2006): 676.
McCann, Eamonn. The Bloody Sunday Enquiry – The Families Speak Out. London: Pluto Press, 2006.
BND-Ausschuss. Die Zeit online, 2006.
Holmes, Stanley. "Boeing’s Global Strategy Takes Off." Business Week (2006).
Blazakis, Jason. "Border Security and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 5, no. 2 (2006): 154-159.
Nuñez-Neto, Blas. "Border Security: Key Agencies and Their Missions." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 5, no. 2 (2006): 47-53.
Caparini, Marina, and Otwin Marenin. Borders and Security Governance: Managing Security in a Globalised World. Münster: LIT, 2006.
Duke, Simon, and Hanna Ojanen. "Bridging Internal and External Security: Lessons from the European Security and Defence Policy." Journal of European Defence Policy 28, no. 5 (2006): 477-94; quoted at 493.
Briefing entitled “Provincial Development Committees – Need for Strengthening”. FOB Salerno: meetings with UNAMA representatives, 2006.
Handy, George, John Kimball, and Jeffrey Winbourne. "Building a Sound and Flexible Emergency Response System Hard Won Lessons in Disaster Management." Information & Security: An International Journal 19 (2006): 31-38.
Lee, Seok-Won, Divya Muthurajan, Robin A. Gandhi, Deepak Yavagal, and Gail-Joon Ahn. "Building Decision Support Problem Domain Ontology from Natural Language Requirements for Software Assurance." International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 16, no. 6 (2006).
Simeonov, Simeon. "Bulgarian Air Force - Challenges and Prospects." Information & Security: An International Journal 21 (2006): 9-18.
Moore, James F.. "Business ecosystems and the view from the firm." The Antitrust Bulletin 51, no. 1 (2006): 31-75.
C4ISR for Future Naval Strike Group. US Naval Studies Board, 2006.
Juels, A., M. Jakobsson, and T.N. Jagatic. Cache Cookies For Browser Authentication. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2006.
Monaghan, Andrew. "‘Calmly critical’: Evolving Russian views of US hegemony." Journal of Strategic Studies 29, no. 6 (2006): 987-1013.
Stein, Jeff. "Can You Tell a Sunni from a Shiite?" New York Times (2006).
Canada in Kandahar: A Mission Assessment. Brussels: The Senlis Council, Security and Development Policy Group, 2006.
"Canada Votes to Extend Mission in Afghanistan." Washington Post (2006).
Natynczyk, Major General. Canadian Forces Transformation In Conference on Defense Transformation ., 2006.
Young, Thomas-Durell. "Capabilities-Based Defense Planning: Techniques Applicable to NATO and Partnership for Peace Countries." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 5, no. 1 (2006): 35-54.
Lindley-French, Julian. "The Capability-Capacity Crunch: NATO’s New Capacities for Intervention." European Security 15, no. 3 (2006): 259-80.
Quarantelli, E.L.. Catastrophes are Different from Disasters: Some Implications for Crisis Planning and Managing Drawn from Katrina.. Newark, DE: Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware, 2006.
Rogushchiva, V.V., and Zh. A. Gordon. The Caucasus and Russia (Kavkaz i Rossiya). St. Petersburg, 2006.
