
Export 21386 results:
ETSI EN 300 220-2 (V3.2.1)., 2018.
European Parliament. EU Defence: The White Book implementation process. Policy Department, 2018.
Fovino, Igor Nai, Ricardo Neisse, Alessandro Lazari, Gian-Luigi Ruzzante, Nineta Polemi, and Malgorzata Figwer. European Cybersecurity Centres of Expertise Map - Definitions and Taxonomy. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018.
Fovino, Igor Nai, Ricardo Neisse, Alessandro Lazari, Gian-Luigi Ruzzante, Nineta Polemi, and Malgorzata Figwer. European Cybersecurity Centres of Expertise Map – Definitions and Taxonomy. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018.
Lazari, lessandro, Gian-Luigi Ruzzante, Nineta Polemi, Malgorzata Figwer, Ricardo Neisse, and Igor Nai-Fovino. European Cybersecurity Centres of Expertise Map: Definitions and Taxonomy., 2018.
The European Deterrence Initiative: A Budgetary Overview. Congressional Research Service, 2018.
European Security and Defence College (ESDC): Standard Curricula., 2018.
Rynning, Sten. A Europeanized NATO? The Alliance Contemplates the Trump Era and Beyond. War on the Rocks, 2018.
Prause, Christian, Rainer Gerlich, and Ralf Gerlich. "Evaluating Automated Software Verification Tools." In IEEE 11th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST). Vasteras, Sweden, 2018.
Gerlich, Ralf, and Christian R. Prause. "Evaluating Test Data Generation for Untyped Data Structures Using Genetic Algorithms." In IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW). Vasteras, Sweden , 2018.
Boothroyd, Roger A., Shawna Green, and Anne Dougherty. "Evaluation of Operation Restore: A Brief Intervention for First Responders Exposed to Traumatic Events." Traumatology 25, no. 3 (2018): 162-171.
Amidror, Yaakov. "The Evolution and Development of the IDF." In Routledge Hand-book on Israeli Security. Routledge, 2018.
Tagarev, Todor, and Valeri Ratchev. "Evolving Models of Using Armed Forces in Domestic Disaster Response and Relief." Information & Security: An International Journal 40, no. 2 (2018): 167-180.
Mitchell, Patricia. An Examination of the Changes That Should Be Implemented in Florida's Homeland Security Counterterrorism Initiatives Post 9/11 to Prevent Against Threats and Attacks . Vol. Doctor of Management. Colorado Technical University, 2018.
Barber, Alexander W.. Examining Foresighted Decisions Based on Lessons Learned Using a Qualitative Exploratory Study. Northcentral University, 2018.
O'Donnell, John, and Gederts Gelzis. Exclusive: Latvia probes whether Russian money flows used to meddle in Europe. Reuters, 2018.
Executive Order Reimposing Certain Sanctions with Respect to Iran. The White House , 2018.
Plummer, Eric S.. Experiences Using Virtual Systems During Critical Incidents at Universities: A Phenomenological Approach. Capella University, 2018.
Georgieva, Teodora, and Plamen Petkov. "Expert Framework for Measuring the Institutional Capabilities to Counter Hybrid Threats: Empirical Data Analysis." Information & Security: An International Journal 39, no. 3 (2018): 237-254.
Gerber, Nina, Paul Gerber, and Melanie Volkamer. "Explaining the Privacy Paradox: A Systematic Review of Literature Investigating Privacy Attitude and Behavior." Computers and Security 77 (2018).
Kügler, David, Alexander Distergoft, Arjan Kuijper, and Anirban Mukhopadhyay. "Exploring adversarial examples." In Understanding and Interpreting Machine Learning in Medical Image Computing Applications, 70-78. Springer, 2018.
Willemsen, Bert, and Menno Cadee. "Extending the Airport Boundary: Connecting Physical Security and Cybersecurity." Journal of Airport Management 12, no. 3 (2018): 236-247.
Usman, A. H., and R. Wazir. "The Fabricated Hadith: Islamic Ethics and Guidelines of Hadith Dispersion in Social Media." The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC Special Edition (2018): 804-808.
Ingram, Mathew. "Fake News is Part of a Bigger Problem: Automated Propaganda." Columbia Journalism Review (2018).
Pocheptsov, Georgii. "The Fakes in Social Media: Design, Transformation, Insertion in Mass Consciousness." Rostov Electronic Gazette (in Russian) 17 (2018).
